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*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:London,_England London ]
*Elder [[Frederick de Gorizia]], Ventrue Primogen 1703-1747
*[[Christian Whitechapel]], Seneschal 1830-1900
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Paris,_France Paris]
===New York City===
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:The_Apple_of_Discord NYC]
*[[Nissim Melamed]] - Tremere Lord of the  Northeast Megalopolis from 1945 to Present
*[[Christian Whitechapel]] - Participated in the Stonewall Riots
* Horace - Ventrue Prince of the Domain of Hawaii from 2021 to Present
* [[SOL]] - Nosferatu Archon to Her Grace Lucinde, Justicar of Clan Ventrue from March 2023 to Present
* [[Jahangir Al-Tanin]] - The Steward of Maui, is the Elder patriarch of kindred society in the islands and the first to arrive, centuries, before others.
1391 - 1435 Prince of Vienna (pre-Camarilla) [[Andrei Hermannstadt]]
[[Andrei Hermannstadt]] Prince of Vienna (pre-Camarilla) 1391 - 1435
==Allies & Enemies==
==Allies & Enemies==
==Canon Events==
===Smiling Jack===
[[Joan Jordan]] Jojo fought alongside Smiling Jack and they became friends during the Southern Crusade during the 2000s (SW Region)
===Destruction of the Sabbat Tremere===
==Canon Events - Anarch==
1999: The Camarilla Tremere perform a powerful ritual that purges nearly all of the Tremere Antitribu from the Sabbat.
===Signatory of the Status Perfectus - 1944===
Known ritualists:
===Beating of Jeremy MacNeil - 1944===
*November, 1944: Prince Don Sebastian Juan Dominguez attempts to oust the Anarchs from Los Angeles by ordering Jeremy MacNeil detained and beaten
*December 21, 1944: Jeremy MacNeil and the Anarchs begin the Second Anarch Revolt and establish a Free State.
February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt
[[Silas Grimsby]]
===Witness to Edict of Succession - 2007===
==Canon Events - Independent Alliance==
===Treaty of Alliance - 2011===
===Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2016===
===Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2017===
===Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2018===
==Canon Events - Camarilla==
===Convention of Thorns - 1493===
[[Bob]] - spends the entire Convention ranting to anyone within earshot that the clans who join with the Camarilla are letting their doom in by the front door.  Some who still respect her give her words genuine consideration, others ignore her as a raving lunatic, but ultimately she is left behind as the Camarilla rises with Clan Malkavian as one of its founding pillars.
[[Frederick de Gorizia]] - Travelled to Thorns as an attache to his sire and became enraptured with the impassioned speeches extolling the benefits and virtues of the Camarilla. Frederick was convinced that their view was the safest path forward for all kindred and he joined the young sect on the spot, he then immediately set about trying to convert any kindred that would listen.
===Tremere Bid for Tower Entry (Banu Haqim Blood Curse) - 1496===
===Treaty of Tyre Witness - 1496===
[[Zoltan Vancura]]
===The Promise Witness - 1528===
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Turin Conclave of Turin - 2010]
**In 2010, the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to happen in Turin, Italy. Kindred from all over gathered to party and politic. At this conclave, the Imperator Karsh of Clan Gangrel was executed from crimes against the Camrilla. [[Justicar Diana Iadanza|Diana Iadanza]], “Bane of the Gangrel,” becomes the new Justicar of Clan Toreador. [[Caderyn Cathal]] helps provide Security Information and Intelligence reports for the Conclave before taking a seat as an Architect of the Tower. Notables in attendance included [[Pythia|Luminary Elder Pythia]], [[Jahangir Al-Tanin|Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin]], and [[Mertin Puttkamer]].
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Prague Conclave of Prague - 2012]
**This VIP Event is not yet published by the office of the ANST Masquerade.
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Halifax Conclave of Halifax- 2013]
**In 2013 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kindred from around the world gathered to party and politic. At this conclave, the Noiad declare themselves, they aim to make an alliance with the Camarilla. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] speaks in support of allowing the Noaid into the Camarilla, believing them to offer a valuable asset to the Tower. Swayed by [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Cathal]]'s arguments and finding common ground in the distrust of technology, the Tower allows the bloodline acknowledgment. [[Vidal Jarbeaux|Vidal 'The Fox’ Jarbeaux]] of Clan Toreador is appointed the new Imperator of the Camarilla. The ‘Spymaster’ becomes the new voice of the Inner Circle.
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Miami Conclave of Miami - 2014]
**In 2014 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Miami, Florida. Kindred from around the world came to party and politic. At this Conclave, [[Molly MacDonald]], a relatively unknown ancilla of Clan Nosferatu is named Justicar with the near-unanimous support of her Clan. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] is the first of the Nosferatu to publicly offer support for Justicar MacDonald and wishes her the best of luck in the representation of the Nosferatu to the Justicariate. [[Mertin Puttkamer]] is also seen congratulating Her Grace for her ascendence. [[O]] is kicked out of the Conclave for trying to badger [[Fatima al Faqadi]] into a duel. She politely declined 5 times. Hours later sporting a deep wound in his side he claimed to have fought her to a tie. This cannot be confirmed. This is when security asked him to leave. [[Jahangir Al-Tanin|Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin]] was also spotted in attendance.
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Havana Conclave of Havana - 2015]
**In 2015 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Havana, Cuba. Kindred from across the globe came to party and politic. The Samedi Bloodline petition for acknowledgment within the Camarilla. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] pushes heavily to sway others to accept the Samedi to the Camarilla, citing the value that the addition of Necromancy could provide in defense against the Independent Alliance if they utilize the dead to spy upon the Tower. The Luminary's arguments only seem to sway more kindred against the acknowledgment of the Necromancers and the Samedi petition is denied. Unsurprising to [[Jahangir Al-Tanin|Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin]], who was also in attendance, [[Fatima al Faqadi]] of the Banu Haqim is placed in charge of the Josian Archons by Justicar Tegyrius.
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Abuja Conclave of Abuja - 2018]
**In 2018 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Abuja, Nigeria. Kindred from across the globe came to party and politic. The True Brujah and the Carpathians petition for Acknowledgement within the Ivory Tower. [[Andrei Hermannstadt|Voivode Andrei Hermannstadt]] was the leader of the Carpathian delegation that attended the conclave. He made the case for the Carpathians to join the Camarilla and represented the Elders of his clan in the matter. [[Mary Petersen]] attended on her own agenda as well as to represent Luminary Elder Alaric of Gaul, who could not attend. She had collaborated with Elder Aranea Wilde of the True Brujah on the wording of the proposition for the True Brujah to join the Ivory Tower, and spoke briefly during the debate in favor of the motion. By the end of the Conclave, both the True Brujah and Carpathians become official members of the Camarilla. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] is present and welcomes friends known for years amongst both Clans into the Camarilla.
**A new Red List is announced at the end of the Conclave. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] ensures this information is widely distributed amongst those acknowledged within the Ivory Tower. The I.A. Ministry Luminary known as [[Dom Piet]] was an easily forgotten "foreign dignitary" in the crowd to most. The leaders involved in the Camarilla's expansion, particularly the clan leaders, received his private congratulations on their success in finding common ground and safety. [[Revinaka|Revinaka Dubrois]] largely kept to herself and watched the political maneuvering around them. She is also known to have quietly assisted Security with information about the Shadowlands. [[Jahangir Al-Tanin|Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin]] is also in attendance.
*[https://wiki2020.modernenigmasociety.org/wiki/Category:Conclave_of_Paris Conclave of Paris - 2019]
**In 2019 the Justicars of the Camarilla call for a Conclave to take place in Paris, France. Kindred from around the world come to party and politic. Clan Malkavian puts forward a motion for the members of the Kiyasid to be acknowledged within the Tower and immediately granted recognition as a Pillar Clan. [[O]] was quietly asked to leave the conclave after the security team was informed that he claimed to have been spying on the Auras of attendees, including the aura of [[Victoria Ash]]. [[Caderyn Cathal|Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal]] disseminates known information on the Kiasyd to a select few. He claims the Kiyasid are a bloodline of the Lasombra, and expresses distrust in the Malkavians who pushed the 'Pillar Clan Prank'. By the end of the Conclave, many are unsure if the Kiyasid are real, and the petition fails. [[Brighid d'Caleti|Luminary Elder Brighid d'Caleti]], [[Pythia|Luminary Elder Pythia]], [[Jahangir Al-Tanin|Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin]], [[Charles Hakstege, MD|Charles Hakstege]] and [[Mertin Puttkamer]] were amongst the notables present at the Conclave. [[Revinaka|Revinaka Dubrois]] largely kept to herself and watched the political maneuvering around them. She is also known to have quietly assisted Security with information about the Shadowlands. [[Christian Whitechapel]], then Seneschal of Boston, provided significant influences and resources to the Archons and security team in order to help lock down and make safe the site of Conclave.
==Canon Events - Sabbat==
===Sabbat Founder (Sacking of Silchester) - 1493===
[[The Forest of Teeth]] - A terrifying force at the Sacking of Silchester, where it took many human and kindred lives whiles exclaiming "devour them" from its many mouths.  It went on to help mold the Sabbat in its earliest decades, leaving a mark on the sect that would last for centuries.
[[Bob]] After her failure at Thorns, Bob witnesses the Sacking of Silchester, but declines to join the Sabbat.
===Purchase Pact Witness - 1803===
===Signatory of the Revised Code of Milan- 1933===
[[Alfred Perfidious]]<br>
===Milan Defector - 1996===
===The Jackal's Call - 2013===
==Former Sabbat==
[[Alfred Perfidious]]<br>
[[Jack Savage]]<br>
[[Walter Merrick]] Former Sabbat. Joined the Camarilla in 1801 along with his entire pack. Current Prince of Trenton, NJ.<br>
[[Virgil Vendicimo]]<br>
==Epic Battles==
===Battle at Chorazin - 636===
[[Jahangir Al-Tanin]] is one of the few tasked from his clan, to gather information near the Sea of Galilee in Israel, that is vital against Baali. His crucible was forged in this final battle and in hunting the vile ones.
===Minor leader in the Omen Wars (networking) - 1022 to 1391===
[[Andrei Hermannstadt]] - fights in Sibiu, Romania and surrounding areas during the conflict<br>
[[Cliff]] - Fought in Eastern Europe, Romania<br>
===Local leader in the Anarch Revolt (networking) - 1391-1493===
[[Bob]] Disgusted by the elders of her clan and their enaction of the Great Prank, Bob throws in with the Anarchs during the Revolt, though she ultimately abandons her cause to stay independent of all the sects.
===The Conference of Caine - 1910===
===Third Sabbat Civil War - 1957===
==Epic Events==
===Toreador Grand Ball - 1988===
[[Bob]] Re-emerges into Kindred society after several decades of being off-grid, and with renewed vigor and visions of impending (but unspecified) doom.<br>
[[Mertin Puttkamer]]
[[Jerry Holiday]]
===Destruction of Bangladesh - 1999===
[[Alfred Perfidious]]<br>
===Ritual to Save the World===
===Ritual to Save the World - 2009===
June 21, 2009: After years of planning, Thaumaturges and Necromancers gather a variety of Kindred with unique abilities and attempt a ritual to stop Gehenna (“The Ritual to Save the World”).  When the Red Star fades not long after, some believe it may have even worked.
June 21, 2009: After years of planning, Thaumaturges and Necromancers gather a variety of Kindred with unique abilities and attempt a ritual to stop Gehenna (“The Ritual to Save the World”).  When the Red Star fades not long after, some believe it may have even worked.
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[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jPgj_EPVJSGCmy0HhhR6Ue1mesWvXsMCSuTcwTCC7C4/edit?usp=sharing Write Up]
[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jPgj_EPVJSGCmy0HhhR6Ue1mesWvXsMCSuTcwTCC7C4/edit?usp=sharing Write Up]
===Fall of Vienna===
==Clan Specific Events==
*February 8, 20212: The Prime Chantry in Vienna is sacked and destroyed. Those claiming responsibility are a hunter organization known as the Arcanum 
===Creator of Stone - 1121===
Tremere, Gargoyle
[[Cliff]] - 1125, Germany: After a year of torment and horrifically excruciating arcane experiments, what once was is no more, only a Gargoyle remains.
[[Jerry Holiday]] - held off multiple hunters at great risk to his own unlife and was critical to allowing other Tremere to escape before the Chantry fully fell.
===Feast of Folly - 1346===
[[Benjamin Assi Caesarea]]
===Beating of Jeremy MacNeil - 1944===
===The Great Prank - 1346===
[[Bob]] Part of a vocal minority that opposed the Prank, Bob stood as witness to her clan's great tragedy.  After the Prank she spent decades working with younger Malkavians and helping them to master Dominate and cope with the loss of their connection to Malkav.
===Assault on Castle Hardestadt - 1394===
===Assault on Castle of Shadows - 1405===
===The Bite / The Betrayal - 1444===
Lamia, Giovanni, Cappadocian
*November, 1944: Prince Don Sebastian Juan Dominguez attempts to oust the Anarchs from Los Angeles by ordering Jeremy MacNeil detained and beaten
===Attack on Ceoris - 1467===
*December 21, 1944: Jeremy MacNeil and the Anarchs begin the Second Anarch Revolt and establish a Free State.
Gargoyle, Tremere
February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt
[[Silas Grimsby]]
[[Cliff]] - When the Gargoyles rise up in revolt, he joins with them in the attack on Ceoris in Transylvania.
===Break-in! at The Mountain - 1495===
====Conclave of Prague====
Banu Haqim & Nosferatu
*February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt
[[Zoltan Vancura]]
[[Zoltan Vancura]]
==Former Sabbat==
===Opening Ceoris Prime Chantry - 1520===
[[Walter Merrick]] Former Sabbat. Joined the Camarilla in 1801 along with his entire pack. Current Prince of Trenton, NJ.
===Allthing - 1824===
===Destruction of the Sabbat Tremere - 1999===
1999: The Camarilla Tremere perform a powerful ritual that purges nearly all of the Tremere Antitribu from the Sabbat.
Known ritualists:
[[Jerry Holiday]]
===Survivor of Venice - 2008===
===Survivor of <Redacted> - 2009===
===Bank Withdrawal - 2009===
Ventrue, Giovanni
===The Battle in the Urals - 2010===
===Allthing - 2011===
===Chilean Black Out - 2011===
===Exodus from the Mountain - May 2011===
Banu Haqim
===The Wipe - 2012===
*[[SOL]] led Clan Nosferatu efforts on the West Coast & Hawaii, successfully denying other groups access to SchrekNet equipment & information.
===Fall of Vienna - 2012===
*February 8, 2021: The Prime Chantry in Vienna is sacked and destroyed. Those claiming responsibility are a hunter organization known as the Arcanum 
[[Jerry Holiday]] - held off multiple hunters at great risk to his own unlife and was critical to allowing other Tremere to escape before the Chantry fully fell.<br>
[[Andrei Hermannstadt]] - offers his hospitality in Sibiu, Romania to the Tremere affected by this disastrous event and assists some in reestablishing havens and helps them arrange safe passage.<br>
===Voivodes Petition the Tower - 2014-2015===
[[Andrei Hermannstadt]]
===Survivor of the Sundering - 2014===
===Survivor of Project Twilight - 2015===
Giovanni, Lamia
[[Benjamin Assi Caesarea]]
==Founders and Leaders==
==Founders and Leaders==
===Anarch Railroad - 1840===
===Liberty Club - 1850===
===FREEP (Anarch Free Press) - 1995===
===Anarch Free-State Militia - 2004===
===Anarch Free-State Militia - 2004===
[[Silas Grimsby]]
[[Silas Grimsby]]
==Sectarian Events & Epic Battles==
===Ivory Masks - 2010===
===Society of the Crypt - 2016===
[[Giancarlo Giovanni]]
===The Column - 2018===
===Average Joe's - TBD===
*[[SOL]] helped found and remains an active member of The Average Jo's.
==Footnotes in History==
[[Alfred Perfidious]]  was a mortal contemporary of Aleister Crowley's in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with occasional interaction and association between 1898 and 1915.
[[Joan Jordan]] aka JoJo negotiated a treaty with the pack of weresharks in the San Francisco Bay.
[[Andrei Hermannstadt]] became a close personal friend of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart after meeting the aging composer in Vienna in 1781 and acts as his patron till his death in 1791.
==Gone but Not Forgotten==
===Break-in! at The Mountain - 1495===
====Camilla Banes====
[[Zoltan Vancura]]
First Malkavian Justicar.  In the late mid- and late-1400s, [[Bob]] pleads with Camilla Banes to remove the Malkavians form consideration and throw the clan's support behind the Tremere instead.  Obviously, Bob is unsuccessful in her efforts; the Malkavians join the Camarilla in 1486.
===Treaty of Tyre Witness - 1496===
[[Zoltan Vancura]]
The First Malkavian Antitribu.  [[Bob]] has a lengthy conversation with the first Malkavian antitribu at the Convention of Thorns / Sack of Silchester.  Bob is firmly opposed to the Camarilla but also sees the dark future of what the Sabbat will become.  Based on this conversation, Bob refuses to join the Sabbat, fixing her path as Unaligned
===Third Sabbat Civil War - 1957===
{{Masquerade CSS}}
{{Masquerade CSS}}

Latest revision as of 20:28, 21 May 2023


Cities and Officers



New York City


  • Horace - Ventrue Prince of the Domain of Hawaii from 2021 to Present
  • SOL - Nosferatu Archon to Her Grace Lucinde, Justicar of Clan Ventrue from March 2023 to Present
  • Jahangir Al-Tanin - The Steward of Maui, is the Elder patriarch of kindred society in the islands and the first to arrive, centuries, before others.


Andrei Hermannstadt Prince of Vienna (pre-Camarilla) 1391 - 1435

Allies & Enemies

Smiling Jack

Joan Jordan Jojo fought alongside Smiling Jack and they became friends during the Southern Crusade during the 2000s (SW Region)

Canon Events - Anarch

Signatory of the Status Perfectus - 1944

Beating of Jeremy MacNeil - 1944

  • November, 1944: Prince Don Sebastian Juan Dominguez attempts to oust the Anarchs from Los Angeles by ordering Jeremy MacNeil detained and beaten
  • December 21, 1944: Jeremy MacNeil and the Anarchs begin the Second Anarch Revolt and establish a Free State.

February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt

Silas Grimsby

Witness to Edict of Succession - 2007

Canon Events - Independent Alliance

Treaty of Alliance - 2011

Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2016

Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2017

Alliance Amendment (witness) - 2018

Canon Events - Camarilla

Convention of Thorns - 1493

Bob - spends the entire Convention ranting to anyone within earshot that the clans who join with the Camarilla are letting their doom in by the front door. Some who still respect her give her words genuine consideration, others ignore her as a raving lunatic, but ultimately she is left behind as the Camarilla rises with Clan Malkavian as one of its founding pillars.

Frederick de Gorizia - Travelled to Thorns as an attache to his sire and became enraptured with the impassioned speeches extolling the benefits and virtues of the Camarilla. Frederick was convinced that their view was the safest path forward for all kindred and he joined the young sect on the spot, he then immediately set about trying to convert any kindred that would listen.

Tremere Bid for Tower Entry (Banu Haqim Blood Curse) - 1496


Treaty of Tyre Witness - 1496

Zoltan Vancura

The Promise Witness - 1528


  • Conclave of Turin - 2010
    • In 2010, the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to happen in Turin, Italy. Kindred from all over gathered to party and politic. At this conclave, the Imperator Karsh of Clan Gangrel was executed from crimes against the Camrilla. Diana Iadanza, “Bane of the Gangrel,” becomes the new Justicar of Clan Toreador. Caderyn Cathal helps provide Security Information and Intelligence reports for the Conclave before taking a seat as an Architect of the Tower. Notables in attendance included Luminary Elder Pythia, Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin, and Mertin Puttkamer.

  • Conclave of Halifax- 2013
    • In 2013 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kindred from around the world gathered to party and politic. At this conclave, the Noiad declare themselves, they aim to make an alliance with the Camarilla. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal speaks in support of allowing the Noaid into the Camarilla, believing them to offer a valuable asset to the Tower. Swayed by Luminary Cathal's arguments and finding common ground in the distrust of technology, the Tower allows the bloodline acknowledgment. Vidal 'The Fox’ Jarbeaux of Clan Toreador is appointed the new Imperator of the Camarilla. The ‘Spymaster’ becomes the new voice of the Inner Circle.

  • Conclave of Miami - 2014
    • In 2014 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Miami, Florida. Kindred from around the world came to party and politic. At this Conclave, Molly MacDonald, a relatively unknown ancilla of Clan Nosferatu is named Justicar with the near-unanimous support of her Clan. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal is the first of the Nosferatu to publicly offer support for Justicar MacDonald and wishes her the best of luck in the representation of the Nosferatu to the Justicariate. Mertin Puttkamer is also seen congratulating Her Grace for her ascendence. O is kicked out of the Conclave for trying to badger Fatima al Faqadi into a duel. She politely declined 5 times. Hours later sporting a deep wound in his side he claimed to have fought her to a tie. This cannot be confirmed. This is when security asked him to leave. Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin was also spotted in attendance.

  • Conclave of Havana - 2015
    • In 2015 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Havana, Cuba. Kindred from across the globe came to party and politic. The Samedi Bloodline petition for acknowledgment within the Camarilla. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal pushes heavily to sway others to accept the Samedi to the Camarilla, citing the value that the addition of Necromancy could provide in defense against the Independent Alliance if they utilize the dead to spy upon the Tower. The Luminary's arguments only seem to sway more kindred against the acknowledgment of the Necromancers and the Samedi petition is denied. Unsurprising to Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin, who was also in attendance, Fatima al Faqadi of the Banu Haqim is placed in charge of the Josian Archons by Justicar Tegyrius.

  • Conclave of Abuja - 2018
    • In 2018 the Justicars of the Camarilla called for a Conclave to take place in Abuja, Nigeria. Kindred from across the globe came to party and politic. The True Brujah and the Carpathians petition for Acknowledgement within the Ivory Tower. Voivode Andrei Hermannstadt was the leader of the Carpathian delegation that attended the conclave. He made the case for the Carpathians to join the Camarilla and represented the Elders of his clan in the matter. Mary Petersen attended on her own agenda as well as to represent Luminary Elder Alaric of Gaul, who could not attend. She had collaborated with Elder Aranea Wilde of the True Brujah on the wording of the proposition for the True Brujah to join the Ivory Tower, and spoke briefly during the debate in favor of the motion. By the end of the Conclave, both the True Brujah and Carpathians become official members of the Camarilla. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal is present and welcomes friends known for years amongst both Clans into the Camarilla.
    • A new Red List is announced at the end of the Conclave. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal ensures this information is widely distributed amongst those acknowledged within the Ivory Tower. The I.A. Ministry Luminary known as Dom Piet was an easily forgotten "foreign dignitary" in the crowd to most. The leaders involved in the Camarilla's expansion, particularly the clan leaders, received his private congratulations on their success in finding common ground and safety. Revinaka Dubrois largely kept to herself and watched the political maneuvering around them. She is also known to have quietly assisted Security with information about the Shadowlands. Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin is also in attendance.

  • Conclave of Paris - 2019
    • In 2019 the Justicars of the Camarilla call for a Conclave to take place in Paris, France. Kindred from around the world come to party and politic. Clan Malkavian puts forward a motion for the members of the Kiyasid to be acknowledged within the Tower and immediately granted recognition as a Pillar Clan. O was quietly asked to leave the conclave after the security team was informed that he claimed to have been spying on the Auras of attendees, including the aura of Victoria Ash. Luminary Elder Caderyn Cathal disseminates known information on the Kiasyd to a select few. He claims the Kiyasid are a bloodline of the Lasombra, and expresses distrust in the Malkavians who pushed the 'Pillar Clan Prank'. By the end of the Conclave, many are unsure if the Kiyasid are real, and the petition fails. Luminary Elder Brighid d'Caleti, Luminary Elder Pythia, Elder Jahangir Al-Tanin, Charles Hakstege and Mertin Puttkamer were amongst the notables present at the Conclave. Revinaka Dubrois largely kept to herself and watched the political maneuvering around them. She is also known to have quietly assisted Security with information about the Shadowlands. Christian Whitechapel, then Seneschal of Boston, provided significant influences and resources to the Archons and security team in order to help lock down and make safe the site of Conclave.

Canon Events - Sabbat

Sabbat Founder (Sacking of Silchester) - 1493

The Forest of Teeth - A terrifying force at the Sacking of Silchester, where it took many human and kindred lives whiles exclaiming "devour them" from its many mouths. It went on to help mold the Sabbat in its earliest decades, leaving a mark on the sect that would last for centuries.

Bob After her failure at Thorns, Bob witnesses the Sacking of Silchester, but declines to join the Sabbat.

Purchase Pact Witness - 1803

Signatory of the Revised Code of Milan- 1933

Alfred Perfidious

Milan Defector - 1996

The Jackal's Call - 2013

Former Sabbat

Alfred Perfidious
Jack Savage
Walter Merrick Former Sabbat. Joined the Camarilla in 1801 along with his entire pack. Current Prince of Trenton, NJ.
Virgil Vendicimo

Epic Battles

Battle at Chorazin - 636

Jahangir Al-Tanin is one of the few tasked from his clan, to gather information near the Sea of Galilee in Israel, that is vital against Baali. His crucible was forged in this final battle and in hunting the vile ones.

Minor leader in the Omen Wars (networking) - 1022 to 1391

Andrei Hermannstadt - fights in Sibiu, Romania and surrounding areas during the conflict
Cliff - Fought in Eastern Europe, Romania

Local leader in the Anarch Revolt (networking) - 1391-1493

Bob Disgusted by the elders of her clan and their enaction of the Great Prank, Bob throws in with the Anarchs during the Revolt, though she ultimately abandons her cause to stay independent of all the sects.

The Conference of Caine - 1910

Third Sabbat Civil War - 1957


Epic Events

Toreador Grand Ball - 1988

Bob Re-emerges into Kindred society after several decades of being off-grid, and with renewed vigor and visions of impending (but unspecified) doom.
Mertin Puttkamer

Destruction of Bangladesh - 1999

Alfred Perfidious

Ritual to Save the World - 2009

June 21, 2009: After years of planning, Thaumaturges and Necromancers gather a variety of Kindred with unique abilities and attempt a ritual to stop Gehenna (“The Ritual to Save the World”). When the Red Star fades not long after, some believe it may have even worked.

Ritual Participants

Write Up

Clan Specific Events

Creator of Stone - 1121

Tremere, Gargoyle

Cliff - 1125, Germany: After a year of torment and horrifically excruciating arcane experiments, what once was is no more, only a Gargoyle remains.

Feast of Folly - 1346


Benjamin Assi Caesarea

The Great Prank - 1346


Bob Part of a vocal minority that opposed the Prank, Bob stood as witness to her clan's great tragedy. After the Prank she spent decades working with younger Malkavians and helping them to master Dominate and cope with the loss of their connection to Malkav.

Assault on Castle Hardestadt - 1394


Assault on Castle of Shadows - 1405


The Bite / The Betrayal - 1444

Lamia, Giovanni, Cappadocian

Attack on Ceoris - 1467

Gargoyle, Tremere

Cliff - When the Gargoyles rise up in revolt, he joins with them in the attack on Ceoris in Transylvania.

Break-in! at The Mountain - 1495

Banu Haqim & Nosferatu

Zoltan Vancura

Opening Ceoris Prime Chantry - 1520


Allthing - 1824


Destruction of the Sabbat Tremere - 1999


1999: The Camarilla Tremere perform a powerful ritual that purges nearly all of the Tremere Antitribu from the Sabbat. Known ritualists:

Jerry Holiday Nissim

Survivor of Venice - 2008


Survivor of <Redacted> - 2009


Bank Withdrawal - 2009

Ventrue, Giovanni

The Battle in the Urals - 2010


Allthing - 2011


Chilean Black Out - 2011


Exodus from the Mountain - May 2011

Banu Haqim

The Wipe - 2012


  • SOL led Clan Nosferatu efforts on the West Coast & Hawaii, successfully denying other groups access to SchrekNet equipment & information.

Fall of Vienna - 2012


  • February 8, 2021: The Prime Chantry in Vienna is sacked and destroyed. Those claiming responsibility are a hunter organization known as the Arcanum

Jerry Holiday - held off multiple hunters at great risk to his own unlife and was critical to allowing other Tremere to escape before the Chantry fully fell.
Andrei Hermannstadt - offers his hospitality in Sibiu, Romania to the Tremere affected by this disastrous event and assists some in reestablishing havens and helps them arrange safe passage.

Voivodes Petition the Tower - 2014-2015

Andrei Hermannstadt

Survivor of the Sundering - 2014


Survivor of Project Twilight - 2015

Giovanni, Lamia

Benjamin Assi Caesarea

Founders and Leaders

Anarch Railroad - 1840

Liberty Club - 1850

FREEP (Anarch Free Press) - 1995

Anarch Free-State Militia - 2004

Silas Grimsby

Ivory Masks - 2010

Society of the Crypt - 2016

Giancarlo Giovanni

The Column - 2018

Average Joe's - TBD

  • SOL helped found and remains an active member of The Average Jo's.

Footnotes in History

Alfred Perfidious was a mortal contemporary of Aleister Crowley's in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with occasional interaction and association between 1898 and 1915.

Joan Jordan aka JoJo negotiated a treaty with the pack of weresharks in the San Francisco Bay.

Andrei Hermannstadt became a close personal friend of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart after meeting the aging composer in Vienna in 1781 and acts as his patron till his death in 1791.

Gone but Not Forgotten


Camilla Banes

First Malkavian Justicar. In the late mid- and late-1400s, Bob pleads with Camilla Banes to remove the Malkavians form consideration and throw the clan's support behind the Tremere instead. Obviously, Bob is unsuccessful in her efforts; the Malkavians join the Camarilla in 1486.


The First Malkavian Antitribu. Bob has a lengthy conversation with the first Malkavian antitribu at the Convention of Thorns / Sack of Silchester. Bob is firmly opposed to the Camarilla but also sees the dark future of what the Sabbat will become. Based on this conversation, Bob refuses to join the Sabbat, fixing her path as Unaligned