The Couple and the Vows

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Guest List
Devin Riesgaff
Victor Croix
Kenneth Bilge
Fiadh Caesarea
Ava Melamed
Izzy Pop Mac Alister
Mary Peterson
Felix Evander
Oscar Milo
Alexei Voronin
Prince Mal
Carlos Rains
V, Vigdur, Valkyrie of Wayfaring
Prince Diana Crivelli
Euryale Caesarea
Keeley Banks
Irena Kairyte
Andrei Hermannstadt
Devlin ua Lir
Katherine Davis
Jahangir Al-Tanin
Dr. Daniel Ayer
Dr. Evelyn Mitchel
Dr. William Martel
Carson Dye
Simon Davilabraga
Molly Moondust
Maggie Pike
"El" Bisset-Caesarea
Gabriella Giovanni
Teuta Caesarea
Kamil Kalogeras
James Laveau
Lily Blackwood
Dom Piet
Ava Melamed
Syfa McAdams
Character and Gift

Fiadh leaves two pounds of unwrapped bags of glitter on the table with just a sticky note that says, For Gabriella AND Nënë, Love Fiadh

Alexei's package is wrapped, but it's very obviously a greatsword. It's almost as tall as he is, and removing the wrapping paper reveals it to be gold-plated. What do you use a gold-plated greatsword for? Not his problem. He just wanted to give one as a gift.
Mal's gift is two parts, one small wrapped square box, and one scroll of paper neatly tied with a black and silver ribbon.

Kenneth's blue gift rattles like there is a lot of loose coin shaped items inside and makes a decent thud when he leaves it on the table.
Evelyn's gift is in the 'Oversized' category for sure. It is a stuffed pony, fully the size of a real pony. The stuffed pony is wearing a life jacket so that it will float and be easily found if it ends up going overboard.
It also has saddlebags stuffed to the brim with something crinkly, with a note saying 'For Gabriella. Each one is a dream of profit unrealized.'
The saddlebags are filled with all kinds of lottery tickets, mostly scratch-offs, none of which have been scratched or checked yet - any one could be a winner. Who knows?

Devins gift: inside are gold chocolate coins
Euryale's gift is nearly four feet wide with dimensions to match. It is wrapped in multi-colored paper that has the words "You're Getting Married" in various fonts splashed around it. A large poorly tied gold lace bow is also tied around the package.
Dom Piet leaves two small cloth rolls carefully locked in chains. Included is a nice picture of what's inside: a selection of stylized miniature harpoons useable as long pins (hairpins / hatpins / &c.) or, as a note scrawled on the picture says, "For making a point."
Each of the two bundles contains two "harpoons" in each of a number of materials: shipbuilding woods in various colors, gold, and titanium. (The wooden ones are staking & impaling, while the metal ones are quick-draw & balanced.)

Nobody drops a small bag onto the gift table containing 100 (probably stolen) golden krugerrands. There is an attached note that says, "For your booty."
Irena's gift is an envelope with handwritten giftcards for her services.
Wozzel's gift is a wooden treasure chest containing 20 lbs of gold bars and a book. (sent from afar, Wozzel is not here tonight but would have sent the gift anyway)

Diana's gift is an envelope containing a check for $10,000 and a handwritten letter.

Jericho drops off an intricate black crystalline chest. This is obviously supernatural in origin, but considerable time has been put into it. (It's been shadow crafted, but given the time and detail put into it, it's clear that it's not going to fade back into shadow)

Mary's gift is a large wooden chest filled with golden coins. Upon close inspection.
Andrei leaves a small gift box containing a gold nautical compass with an inscription, "So that you may never lose your way."

A matching set of daggers for the brides from Katherine and Jahangir.
Daniel drops off a flat box with FRAGILE on it. It's about the size of a framed piece of art? There is also a wooden box engraved with a small moth, and underneath the crossed crescent moon design that each of the brides have branded upon them.
Large Box: It's various collected historical bits from 1870. A replica of the ballot cast by Louisa Swain of Laramie, Wyoming, considered to be one of the first "modern" votes cast by a woman, an original ballot cast in favor of incorporating Rome into Italy and making it the capital, a ballot cast in the election in Croatia of that year, various bits of currency from the U.S. and Teuta and Gabbie's countries of origin for that year, etc.
Smaller Wooden Box: A bound booklet that is handwritten sheet music for violin. It is a unique composition, penned by Dr. Daniel Ayer. The tune is written in the style of Eastern European/Mediterranean folk tunes.
From the outside, the gift seems to be an elegant and slightly oversized envelope in black, blue and gold, with a discreet embossed logo and the words 'Where luxury meets adventure . . .'
Within is a letter that reads approximately as follows:
'Dear Esteemed Client,
Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to inform you that our collection includes the makes and models of the small luxury yachts that piqued your interest. The features you requested are readily available for a nominal surcharge.
The yachts you inquired about are:
- the Bugatti Niniette 66
- the 1414 Demon
- the Antagonist
Further information available here:
Once you have made your selection, please feel free to reach out to your Platinum Tier concierge [Name], at your earliest convenience to finalize the additional features and total cost, and we will arrange our White Glove service to drop off your new yacht at a marina of your choosing. We look forward to your reply, and happy sailing!
Best Regards,
[Company Name]
Maggie adds the ink sketch she has made of the brides kissing. It's not super fancy (she's got crafts 2, ok) but it's definitely caught the moment.

Dye places a rolled parchment paper is a document tube. Once opened and unrolled, the contents are an authentic map which belonged to Blackbeard.

Gift 1 from Victor Croix. Wine decanter with pirate ship.

Gift 2 from Victor wine decanters set on tables with small inscription marking the wedding date and couple's names. Inside is blood wine provided by Ava. These are gifts for the guests to take home as memorial tokens of the wedding.

From Demetrius of Corfu to Gabriella.

Revi's gift. Took awhile to find the item card for which is a crafts 3 piece she made out of flowers she stole on one of the shared missions with Teuta and Gabi. Revi perseved death in a beautiful way. Alive and dead all in the same world.

Molly Moondust's gift. Rose quartz for love, shaped into a seashell for the nautical brides.

Lily Blackwood Gifts
A handmade quilt with their clan symbols intertwined. -Syfa McAdams