Ava Melamed

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Beloved Daughter:


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Character Information

Name: Ava Schulmann

Clan:: Tremere

Sire: Alena Sokoll

Lineage: House Melamed

Social Class: Ancilla

Sect: House Tremere

Notable Traits: Speaks with a distinct Austrian accent.


  • •1898 Born in Vienna, Austria, the youngest of a rather large family.
  • •1920 - 1944 Ava is ghouled to Nissim_Melamed and helps fight facists and smuggle persecuted peoples out of Europe.
  • •1944 Moves to NYC with Nissim
  • •Late 1948 Ava is embraced by Alena
  • •1954 Ava is released from accounting
  • •Late 1954 Ava moves to Atlanta to help support the budding civil rights movement
  • •1976 Founds the Atlanta Botanical Gardens
  • •1999 Ava flees to New York City when the Sabbat take over Atlanta
  • •2011 Ava Returns to Atlanta

Interests of Lady Schulmann

  • •Specializes in custom roses and hybrid creations.
  • •Deeply religious
  • •Loves deep, theological discussions
  • •An avid gardener
  • •Loves all types of Flora

Rumors Among the Damned

  • •Her Rose garden is built upon a necropolis.
  • •Prior garden staff live on as wraith retainers who tend to the garden.
  • •May be part of a garden society of kindred across various sects.
  • •A certain wraith swears a kiss was stolen in her garden by a student who shared research notes for a rose creation then left soon after to pursue his own work.

Quotes from the Shadows

  • "He who has not tasted the bitter, does not understand the sweet."
  • "Chin up, eyes forward, you will not falter. Do not be distracted by looking behind you, for there is greatness ahead if you strive. I know that there is a strength in you that will lead you through even the most trying of times." - Nissim Melamed
  • "I mean, what is there to say?" - Jerry Holiday
  • "So you've seen what she can do with her award winning flowers right?" - Kenneth Bilge
  • "She is the eye at the center of the storm. Do not be fooled, for the power she wields can destroy as easily as it creates." -Bob
  • "I absolutely adore spending time with Lady Schulmann. She's always so pleasant to talk with." - Alice Vermeer
  • "She's quite intelligent. I have pondered matters of the soul since the embrace. Having someone else who was also born Jewish is a great opportunity especially since she has had more time to reconcile this disconnect. I know we exist for a reason but the answer to that why is something that has led to bloodshed....among Kindred and kine alike." Meir Cohen
  • "The words spoken by Ava are the seeds she plants created by a soul of love and wisdom. Kenneth blooms so eagerly into the hearts of many because he had the work of calloused and skilled hands to guide him into life that too few appreciate. To have Ava's friendship is to be a flower growing without weeds trying to suck the very nutrients you need to grow to your fullest." - Banks
  • "Ever meet someone and just sort of ... know that they were a kind and generous person? Like the vibe is just there and you know it's real as soon as you lay eyes on them? That's Ava. Everything she makes is magic, and I'm not even talking tongue in cheek, there. So...like. Uh. Play nice, okay? Yeah, the 'or else' is implied." - Dr. Marcel Trevisani
  • "You are very Humane. Even more so than I had previously imagined. I already knew that you comport yourself thoughtfully and with dignity, but now I am starting to suspect that if Heaven actually does exist, in the form that humanity most often tends to imagine it, you are the most likely of any of us to actually see it." - Mace
  • "Ava is a rare rose, a blossom unmatched in any garden. The spark of life in her eyes has always been there; I only pray that spark will burn on in the darkness of our lives." - Czesare Dragos

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House Melamed
“If thou hast acquired knowledge, what canst thou lack? If thou lackest knowledge, what canst thou acquire?”

- Talmud, in Cohen

Motto: Learn, Know, Teach

Founded by Nissim, the Lineage of House Melamed is a collection of powerful, thoughtful Tremere. After the clan split into three Houses in 2014, the lineage split as well, with members in all of the various new factions, still held together by a common ethos.


OOC Information

Player: Miranda Rosenblum

Email: mmallison@gmail.com

Member Number: US2002022650

St email: masqueradevst@atlantaworldofdarkness.org

Beautiful Treasures:

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