Danika "Dani" Astor

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Danika "Dani" Astor
Ventrue.PNG Camarilla.PNG

Dani Astor.jpeg

Pronouns She/Her
Clan Ventrue
Sect Camarilla
Sect Faction Ivory Masks
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity
Lineage House of the Griffon

Further Information


A tall and sinewy transgender woman with a quiet intensity and practiced ease who appears to be approaching her 40’s, Danika “Dani” Astor is a neonate of Clan Ventrue and The House of the Griffon and the childe of Prince Christian Whitechapel of Boston, former Seneschal of London, New York, and Boston. Like her sire, Danika is openly queer and does not tolerate discrimination in her presence. She does not hide her transgender identity or pansexuality, and tends to dress in vintage or eclectic business attire with colorful accents. Millennial members of her Herd have described her as having “hard femme mommi vibes,” a description Dani understands the gist of and does not balk at. When conducting business outside of Elysium, Danika generally carries her well loved and well used silver-handled black sword-cane, which few have seen her drawn steel from and most mortals believe is simply the affectation of an aging queen who needs a walking stick. Danika carries herself with a practiced ease and air of relaxed confidence that can give way to quiet intensity, passionate inspiration, or cut-throat shrewdness and violent efficiency when experiencing the joy of discovery or the fear of dishonor or destruction for herself or those she chooses to serve or watch over.

  • 1943: Born in Yonkers, New York to middle class Irish-American parents: Danny and Katherine Kelly. She was known then as “Danny Jr” after her father. Her father claims that their lineage stretches back to the O’Kelly kings of the Irish petty kingdom of Brega, but Dani privately doubts these claims.
  • 1960: Dani visits her “spinster” aunt on her mother’s side in Greenwich Village during the summer, working at a cafe by day and attending beatnik poetry readings and sneaking into dive bars at night. Her aunt all but encourages Dani’s evening adventures and first experiments with more “flamboyant” fashion, particularly after seeing the way Dani could handle herself when accosted for that fashion. Dani returns home to Yonkers for her sophomore year of highschool scheming a way to return to the Village permanently.
  • 1961-1975: Vietnam War
  • 1964: Dani’s scheme succeeds and she attends NYU on a scholarship, but drops out after one semester, publicly burns her draft card after intentionally being deemed ineligible to serve due to her “homosexuality”, and begins working as a barback and unofficial security at several semi-clandestine gay bars, making a name for herself as a femme young man who can nevertheless still handle herself in a fight and is willing to protect her community out of genuine care, but fights even harder when motivated by profit. She begins going by “Dani Astor,” abandoning her family name so that her parents can’t find her. She is still somewhat shocked when they don’t even try. Dani takes to carrying a walking stick when leaving for her shifts and grows proficient at using it to defend herself and her community.
  • 1969: The Stonewall Riots. Dani is working the door at a club where Maypop Sickle (then performing as Violet) is performing. Before the Riots begin, Maypop notices from the stage the way that the feminine young bouncer was watching her performance with rapt awe, wonder, and admiration. Privately, Dani admits to herself that she wishes she could be as beautiful and wondrous a creature as "Violet", but comforts herself by privately swearing that she will at least protect such beauty if she can't have it. She is given a chance to put that oath into action when the Riots begin, and while the club's other bouncers desperately flush drugs and contraband and try to bar the door, Dani is seen by a fleeing "Violet" fighting back cops at the door and ushering fleeing queens inside. Following the Riots, Dani attends a handful of other marches and early meetings of the Gay Liberation Front, but is kept at a distance by both many of the more “respectable” activists and many of the “street queens” excluded from the mafia-owned gay bars that had her on the payroll. Despite this, she cultivates relationships with open-minded, practical and useful low level mafiosa and members Gay Liberation Front, and privately she resolves to find an employer whose motives for creating gay community were profitable, but devoted to actual safety and community instead of solely profit and exploitation by organized crime.
  • 1970: Dani finds the employer she is looking for in Christian Whitechapel when a recommendation from Maypop Sickle leads to a position as head bouncer at one of Christian’s gay clubs in Lower Manhattan.
  • 1971: After a year of excellent performance, displaying her aptitude as both a negotiator and fighter when necessary, Christian reveals what he is to Dani and offers to make her his ghoul, with the eventual possibility of the Embrace after a decade of stellar service and rigorous education. Dani feels that this is her moment to seize her fate, and inspired by the stories she heard of Christine Jorgensen growing up in the 1950’s, the handful of transgender women she encountered over the years in the Village (especially seeing Maypop Sickle perform before the Stonewall Riots), and her employer’s honesty in “coming out” to her as a vampire, she reveals to Christian that she is transgender, and offers to serve him loyally and with distinction if he will finance her transition in addition to granting her this chance at immortality. He accepts and she begins her service as Christian’s ghoul.
  • 1971-1981: Danika takes over running the daytime side of the businesses for Christian. Her education is rigorous and thorough, but she proves herself more than competent in his service. She also begins physically transitioning and using the name Danika and she/her pronouns more often, doing so consistently by 1980. By this point, referring to her as “Danny” instead of Danika or Dani is a quick way to meet the business end of her walking stick.
  • 1981: Danika is embraced by Christian after a decade of loyal service after Christian seeks and receives the permission of the Mad Prince.
  • 1981-1987: Dani works directly under Christian in New York, learning the essential knowledge of Clan, sect, and lineage for an ambitious young Ventrue and getting lessons of a different sort during her occasional night of fun out on the town with Maypop.
  • 1987-2010: Danika is sent by her sire to study under members of the House of the Griffon while furthering Christian's interests and continuing to develop her skills. Wanting to prove herself worthy of the embrace, she throws herself into her study and duties, focusing particularly on learning how to negotiate with or destroy other supernatural beings and acting as a consulting diplomat and negotiator for her House, Clan, and sire.
  • 2010-2012: Warned about Project FIRSTLIGHT by Christian, Danika returns to New York briefly to lay low and uses the time to study Project Twilight and surreptitiously reconnect with some of her underworld contacts in New York in her mortal guise after being inspired by Maypop's encouragement that she would "have all of this in time if she returned to New York," paving the way for her eventual return in 2022.
  • 2012: The Second Inquisition begins. Danika shifts the topic of her studies and work solely to the reconnaissance and containment of the multi-headed hydra that is the Inquisition, but continues to travel between cities on her sire’s behalf in search of new intel on the Hunter threat.
  • 2015: increasingly stymied by her inability to use the internet or advanced data analytics to continue learning about the Inquisition in fear of breaking the Camarilla’s rules around technology, Dani offers a young, queer “grey hat” hacker, corporate spy for hire, and unlicensed PI, Nadia (She/They), the opportunity to become her ghoul after using the mortal as a consultant on several jobs and being reminded of herself at a young age. Nadia accepts and becomes Danika’s personal assistant, bodyguard, aide, and sole companion in her travels, enrolling in firearms training courses so as to better protect her domitor and proving an apt user of Dominate for a mortal after studying with both Danika and Christian.
  • 2015-2021: Dani and Nadia continue traveling between domains, with Dani promoting herself as a “risk management consultant” and security professional to Kindred allied with her sire.
  • 2022: Danika receives permission from her sire to permanently return to NYC and to work on behalf of his interests, but also to build her own base of power with which to serve her Clan and Lineage and protect the Camarilla and Masquerade. At the end of Spring and with the assistance of her sire, she purchases a townhome near Tompkins Square Park and sends Nadia and her security detail to prepare her haven and begin reconnecting with her old contacts, establish useful new ones, and scout the neighborhood. Danika herself also reconnects with Maypop to announce her return and request the proper introductions to the Court.
  • July, 2022: Danika returns to New York, eager to put her knowledge and influence to use.

Danika “Dani” Astor is a neonate of Clan Ventrue and The House of the Griffon and the childe of Prince Christian Whitechapel of Boston, former Seneschal of London, New York, and Boston.

She has acted as a traveling consultant and student to allies of her sire for the past forty years, occasionally returning to New York or Boston to report back to her sire but generally staying in the domains she visited for only a few months or years at a time. Since being given permission by her sire to permanently settle in New York, she has rapidly built a small but dense influence web amidst the Elite and Underworld of the Lower East Side, particularly amidst minor organized crime and corruptible vice enforcement authorities as well as LGBT hackers, bouncers, sex workers, drug dealers, and bartenders in the nightlife scene utilizing a mixture of new connections and old contacts she amassed in her travels and occasional stops back in the city of her youth and Embrace, as well as her ghoul Nadia’s mortal contacts.

Danika does not generally demand the spotlight and instead works behind the scenes (or behind the throne) to gain knowledge, power, and respect for her competence in building and operating a brighter and more sustainable spotlight for her clients, mentors, patrons, and sire. However, despite this reputation for understatedness, she is ambitious and driven and wishes to step out of her sire’s shadow in this domain while still advancing his interests and the interests of her Clan and lineage.

While quiet and deliberate, Danika is not withdrawn, and is attentive for and outgoing to any new opportunity to gain practical knowledge, useful connections, or leverage that can be exploited. Like her sire, Danika seeks to surround herself with influential Kindred of various social classes and Sects, particularly other driven neonates with whom she might form a mutually beneficial coterie like her sire’s Green Carnation Club.


-Danika has a fleshcrafted tattoo of the three heads of the Abyssal Dragon she slew on the left side of her body, with one head terminating at her collar bone, one at her hip, and one at the top of her wrist.
-Danika witnessed the death of the Demon calling itself "Lilith."
-Danika stole back the portrait she gave Dr. Reynaldo for Christmas on what ended up being the day she executed her. Some say she destroyed it, others say she uses it for target practice, and some whisper that she has some kind of shrine to her lost, infernalist love.
-Danika publicly gave Nadiya Ibrahim a lap dance that was as passionate as it was amateurish during a game of Truth or Dare at a Garden Party.
-Danika and Nadiya Ibrahim dated for less than a year before deciding to wed.
-Danika used a glowing, holy spear (allegedly the Spear of Longinus) to deliver the death blow to to Sturbridge's colossal "perfect child" that she fought against alongside Elder Alaric of Gaul and Servire Mary Petersen and an Anarch Ishtarri
-In addition to the True Brujah and the Ishtarri, Danika and the others were also aided in battle by three Baali Elders. And one of them, Roth The Defiler, is the one who gave Danika the spear in combat. Others say she traded insults with Roth throughout the night even while wielding the spear and that they saw her throw the weapon at Roth's feet later in the night and refuse to keep it despite his claims that it wasn't tainted.
-After several inexplicable experiences connecting Danika more deeply to her humanity by engaging in religious rituals, as well as her connections and time spend with several religious Kindred, Danika is beginning to find some form of "religion," or at least believe that a "positive" or benign spiritual force exists in the universe that is hostile to Demons but seemingly not categorically opposed to Kindred.
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OOC Information
Player Charlie K.
Pronouns She/Her
MES # US2022060019
Domain NY-004-D
Storyteller Emily L.