Benjamin Assi Caesarea Quotes

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  • "Elder brother serves as the mouthpiece for the will of Medusa. I honor him like I honor Medusa. But I place my faith in the Dark Mother first and foremost." - Sevinch
  • "I think of him and everything goes wavy. From my knees, I find that my lips trip as they dribble inadequate and inarticulate sounds of worship and yet they are a paean, the most glorious parts of myself drawn out and laid open before him, my lover, my angel of death. He receives my offering and though I find it inadequate, accepts. I am the powerless moth, and he the flame." - Dr. Marcel Trevisani
  • "My, my! These green carnation lads do get around, don't they?" -- Zoltan Vancura
  • "Definitely someone you would want to have your back in a fight." Zeke Wylde
  • "Benjamin will always be this enthralling kind of love. The sort that doesn't grow, it simply rushes into your life like the surf over the beach. You can lose yourself in it. His love is rich, deep, and yes, dangerous. Still, I have no regrets, and return to the sea as often as I may." -- Claude de Bourbon
  • "There is an intimacy in death that Benjamin knows well. An understanding of mortality that I feel many kindred lose, especially at our age. In the face of death and in the face of love, even kindred are stripped bare and vulnerable. I find it no surprise that he is a master in both." -- Nissim Melamed
  • "I love Uncle Benji! Nothing screams enabler more than conspiring with your niece to fire cephalopods at nearby yachts." -- Eleanor "El" Bisset-Caesarea
  • "The nights are never dull when Ben is involved. If you aren't paying attention, you'll wind up trapped on a road trip where 'we might as well hit some buckets on that list' and won't know what hit you." --Jace
  • "When I met him it went from zero to a hundred real quick. I was not prepared." -- Kenneth Bilge