Character Information
Name Victor Croix
Clan Toreador of House Apollo
Social Status Neonate
Personality Very polite holds himself to the standard of Noblesse Oblige. His hair color tends to shift on his whim from natural blond to red.
Orientation Poly.
Status Favored Luminary Felix Evander/ Loyalx2 Don Ariel/Loyal Ophelia Valentine/ Honorable Don Ariel
Embraced 1637 Paris by a stage producer named Emile, who decided to take in a street urchin and create a Rose. He was trained in etiquette, courtly manners, and art history until deemed ready for embrace and introduction within the Court of Versailles.
Attended the Court of Versailles with his sire developing his skills to become a known Artisan and Entertainer until the French Revolution posed a risk to remain. It was here he met Lady Elizabeth Bryon of Clan Ventrue.

1700's-1800's Traveled across Europe studying various smithing techniques to improve his art with blades and begin to study the art of glass creations.
1900's found him engaged in various activities during the two World Wars. He served as a communications officer for the Allies. As the Wars ended, he branched into the science of forensics working freelance for Museums and private collectors.
2000's became the age of technology expansion as Victor began to study Computer Science,cyber security and Social Media platforms within the Movie Industry.
2022 Arrived in Harmony City attaining the position of Primogen. It wasn't long before he established a Winery/Art Gallery that serves as an embassy for the clan to conduct business with others. These nights, it's not uncommon to see him in various courts either within a crowd introducing those he knows or behind a bar creating exotic drinks to stir the senses.
Known to Society
Weaponsmith and Glass Artisan
Security Consultant/Cybersecurity
Appraiser of relics and art for forgery.
Various Science specialties
Founder of the Timeless Art Gallery
Rumors in the Shadows
*Blades created are true masterpieces blessed with life itself.
*He's dancing with two partners.
*He has a talent for bartending.
"A refreshing surprise. A breath of fresh summer air in a world perpetually of autumn turning to winter. That alone makes him worth coming to know." - Euphemenion
"An excitable fella." - Devin Riesgraff
"A superb vintner and a dear friend.” - Amelia H. Reeves
"Victor is a Sommelier in Weaponsmithing. An exceptional craftsman and fine skillset. He brings admiration to himself and his House." - Jahangir Al-Tanin
"He is the greatest weaponsmith I have ever encountered or heard of. The blades he made for me are exquisite works of deadly beauty." - Alex Krowe
"Victor Croix certainly brings the elegance of Versailles to modern nights. It's good to have an old friend around." - Lady Elizabeth Byron
"My Darling, You don't sparkle in the sun...You Fry." -Syfa
Patrons and those Gifted
*Elijah Smith crafts 6 ring
*Bennett Dare crafts 10 blade
*Alex Krowe crafts 5 blade
*Mouse crafts 5 blade
*Luna LaVey
*Gabriella-gifted by Demetrius
OOC Information
Player: Mindy Kolp us2002034157
Email: victorcroix36@gmail.com
St email: vst.camarilla@virtual.modernenigmasociety.org