Teuta Quotes

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  • "Whoop whoop good sir." - Teuta
  • "December 31, 1982. What a most wonderful evening, cuore mio. Let us do it again in 10 years? We'll make it a tradition." - Gabriella
  • "10/10 would learn a lesson from her again. She really knows how to teach one" - Kelly Cassidy
  • "If you told me two hundred years ago that someone threatening to stab me would put a smile on my face, I would have called you a fool for daring such an insult. Perhaps that is the gift Teuta has given me, the ability to still be surprised after all these years." - Nissim Melamed
  • "Nënë is a knife wielding blessing to this world, and you'll just have to accept that." - Eleanor "El" Bisset-Caesarea
  • "Do you remember? The year was 2010. It was such a beautiful, clear night! You took me into your arms as we watched the yacht sink slowly under the water. Yet another memorable birthday gift that I will never forget." - Gabriella
  • "Some people come into your life and never leave; Teuta came into my life, upended everything, and then disappeared into the night like a thief with my heart. It was a long time before I was able to even ponder the idea of love again." - Aoife Kennedy
  • "Why, WHY are you like this? How are you such an unbelievable trash fire and still alive?" - Stephen Cox
  • "Teuta pulled me out of a literal fire, put a weapon in my hand and taught me to be free… What I’m saying is that I’ll happily pop your head like a grape if she asks me to and never lose a wink of sleep over it." - Fiadh
  • "There is only beauty in brass tacks." -Banks
  • "Not sure I can say the nice things I want without blushing and fumbling." - Finley Welles
  • "December 31st, 2020." - Gabriella
  • "Many have the desire to fight, but what sort of being so desires bloodshed that they would beg favor of another for that opportunity? One that I'd rather not cross, I can assure you." - Michael De Luca
  • "Such beauty and pain. Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once." Revinaka
  • "Meeting Teuta was a bright spot in my life, and it's stayed that way the entire time. She is fierce, protective, joyous, and unrestrained, all of which are things I aspire to. She stole my heart when she took my side in an important argument, so, I'm basically lost to all other loves forever, now. Ope." - Dr. Marcel Trevisani
  • "You wanna know how much fun she is? I consider challenging her to a fight because her kicking my ass would be fun." - Hannibal Rothstein