Ava Melamed

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Beloved Daughter:


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Character Information

Name: Ava Schulmann

Clan:: Tremere

Sire: Alena Sokoll

Lineage: House Melamed

Social Class: Ancilla

Sect: House Tremere

Notable Traits: Speaks with an unusual accent that you cannot quite place.


  • •1898 Born in Vienna, Austria, the youngest of a rather large family.
  • •1920 - 1944 Ava is ghouled to Nissim_Melamed and helps fight facists and smuggle persecuted peoples out of Europe.
  • •1944 Moves to NYC with Nissim
  • •Late 1948 Ava is embraced by Alena

Interests of Lady Rothstein

  • •Specializes in custom roses and hybrid creations.
  • •Deeply religious
  • •Loves deep, theological discussions
  • •An avid gardener

Rumors Among the Damned

  • •Her Rose garden is built upon a necropolis.
  • •Prior garden staff live on as wraith retainers who tend to the garden.
  • •May be part of a garden society of kindred across various sects.
  • •A certain wraith swears a kiss was stolen in her garden by a student who shared research notes for a rose creation then left soon after to pursue his own work.

Quotes from the Shadows

  • "He who has not tasted the bitter, does not understand the sweet."
  • "Chin up, eyes forward, you will not falter. Do not be distracted by looking behind you, for there is greatness ahead if you strive. I know that there is a strength in you that will lead you through even the most trying of times." - Nissim Melamed
  • "I mean, what is there to say?" - Jerry Holiday
  • "So you've seen what she can do with her award winning flowers right?" - Kenneth Bilge
  • "I absolutely adore spending time with Lady Schulmann. She's always so pleasant to talk with." - Alice Vermeer
  • "She's quite intelligent. I have pondered matters of the soul since the embrace. Having someone else who was also born Jewish is a great opportunity especially since she has had more time to reconcile this disconnect. I know we exist for a reason but the answer to that why is something that has led to bloodshed....among Kindred and kine alike." Meir Cohen


OOC Information

Player: Miranda Rosenblum

Email: mmallison@gmail.com

Member Number: US2002022650

St email: TBD

Beautiful Treasures:

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