Character Information
Name: Julian Steele
Bloodline: Telyav
Social Status: Neonate Unaligned
Concept Kindred Society: Doctor/Ritualist
Known Keeper of the Unaligned Elysium
Personality: Charming intelligence with a dash of danger and spice. Likely to be found in various night clubs across the island having a good time or tucked away in some university library corner with a stack of books.
Orientation: Bisexual Demiromantic
*1324 born to a merchant family in Britain and educated in a grammar school to prepare him to take up the family business.
* 1347 The Black Death arrives in Europe. Hoping to preserve the family business, his family leaves traveling the Merchant roads across Europe. Julian loses his family to the plague changing his life path from a merchant to eventually becoming a doctor.
* 1349 Julian ends up in the Balkan region wintering over until he could travel once more. During this time he studied with local pagans learning their healing methods using the plants native to the region. His research and willingness to understand the natural world and their religion drew the attention of his sire. He's ghouled and later embraced granting him the chance to pursue his medical training on a new level with the introduction of Green Path to his knowledge base.
1400's-1600's: Julian continues to push his research delving into the mysteries of necromancy and the Abyss. He later joins a coterie with his Sire seeking protection from the Church.
1700's-1800's: Travels across Europe posing as a medical doctor or field surgeon serving in various capacity from ship doctor to other paying clients.
1900's: World wars during this era were a prime hunting ground for his coterie to take advantage to position themselves better for the future. Julian was able to work the battlefields as a field surgeon tending to the dying and learning valuable information leading to hidden caches of stolen art and other relics which he returned to owners if able to be found, or slipped into private auctions for resources.
2000's: He travels with his coterie to the United States. During this time his skills continue to grow under the guidance of various mentors until the death of his coterie due to First Light leaving him as the only survivor.
2022: He moves to Harmony Island to set up shop in Gwinnett Point.
Known to Society
* Green path Specialist willing to create healing items and drugs along with a vast knowledge base of modern biological sciences.
* Occult Ritualist and lore academic who also is knowledgeable in various realms of sorcery.
* Owner of a garden tea/coffee house which serves as a local embassy open to kindred desiring a neutral place to gather.
Whispers in the shadows
* He has a diverse skill set for investigations.
* His medical knowledge spans 3 areas of other science fields and he can test blood.
* His lore knowledge is pretty extensive in relation to supernatural entities.
* Need healing salves? Blood fruit? Kindred drugs? He's always accepting orders.
* "An amazing representation of what an Unaligned could be. He would make an amazing Camarilla member should he choose. I would have him in my court." - Ophelia Valentine
* "Errol's a great kid - and I don't say that too often, mack." - SOL
* “Dr. Steele is the most elegant of men. He’s charming, intelligent, very much respectable. He would be a good friend to you if you were ever to chose him to be one.” Aniek Fowles
"Despite being a Tremere, Jules is alright. He might be too smart and ambitious for his own good, but I've got his back as long as he's got mine." Rictus
Avalon Tea Gardens

* Located in Gwinnett Point.
* Avalon brings old world Victorian Garden charm to the modern age. Visitors can stroll the outdoor gardens viewing a variety of native and exotic plant species along with several herb gardens.
* Inside visitors will find the place a living garden with tables and booths tucked into the greenery perfect for tea or coffee time.
* Upstairs a holistic apothecary shop takes up several rooms complete with an herb room, crystals, books, and various religious jewelry of faiths around the world.
* Rumor has it, if you need a certain medicine, it can be made here.
Crossroads Urgent Care Center
Crossroads offers affordable medical services and lab work with a focus on community wellness. Open 24hrs for your emergency needs.
OOC Information
Player: Mindy Kolp us2002034157
St email: