Mace Quotes

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  • "I could hug him all day but like. I get the sense that might be a tiny bit dangerous. Only makes the prospect more appealing~" Finley Welles
  • "When we are finished hunting, I'm curious what is left when the party is over. I feel like we could have so much in common." Banks
  • "Beware the sadist who clothes himself in the raiment of justice." - Zoltan Vancura
  • "Man, I get that like he's dangerous. But like, I've talked to him he's cool. I also wouldn't mind getting to know him better." - Kenneth Bilge
  • "Not sure if telling him what my first experience with a Salubri Warrior was like would make him sympathetic to me or furious at his former...employers. Maybe both. I do believe that if anyone tried to harm me in front of him, they would not be long for this world." Stephen Cox
  • "I hear you whispering. I see the looks you're giving him and I understand, really. To know that you're staring down the barrel of something that has always inspired fear, which was first snuck into your presence clothed in lamb's wool, but has been revealed for what it is. You're not wrong, but you're not right, either. You are frightened because you have never met a creature as pure and unbridled as my brother. You feel fear because you know that you are exactly the sort of person that the light of his eye will sear and punish." - Marcel Trevisani