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(I had to change your region from "PA-020-D" (your domain) to "Northeast Region" (your region) because it was causing a problem with the form!)
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{{Masquerade VSS
{{Masquerade VSS
|region=Northeast Region

Revision as of 17:30, 2 August 2021

Region Northeast Region
Domain PA-020-D
VSS Type Single-Sect
Venue Storyteller Kevin Tapper Click here to edit
Venue Storyteller's Email Steel.Rivers.Cam.VST@gmail.com Click here to edit
Assistant Venue Storyteller(s) N/A Click here to edit

Steel Rivers 13th Hours VSS

Domain Code: PA-020-D

“The Steel City has survived countless changes in its time and will survive what is to come”


Description: Pittsburgh has long been a stronghold from its founding and throughout its history surviving depressions, closing of the mills and so forth. The biggest change has come to it recently however, The Beckoning. It is a change that most are unaware of, the loss of Elders, the rise of humanity. Can the Steel City adapt, evolve, or even survive?

VSS Boundaries: The following PA counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Washington, and Westmoreland.


VST: Cait Castle steel.rivers.cam.vst@gmail.com

DST: Mike Prettiman steel.rivers.dst@gmail.com

VSS Territory Guide: This denotes the distinct Territories that have a supernatural population (PC or NPC). For each Territory you should list the following information: Steel City - Pittsburgh

Territory Type: Anarch holdings Description:

Beaver county and the town itself have long been outside the Ivory towers reach in Pittsburgh. Tenison have usually been live and let live however there have been a few tiffs over the years with Anarchs trying to grab some of the Camarilla domain and the Tower trying to force its ways on the Anarchs. Anarchs are thwarted quickly and harshly the few times they have tried to cause trouble.

Territory Type: IA holdings Description: The IA has kept to themselves south of Pittsburgh in Washington County conduct their business there. They have a standing state with the tower that each view the other as a tool near by if ever needed but its dirty such that we don’t want it in our house.

Territory Type: Camarilla Authority Description Camarilla Authority/domain consist of the city of Pittsburgh and all of Allegheny county.

Territory Timeline

1754 – The British sent Captain William Trent to build a fort at the Forks of the Ohio. Fort Prince George was only half built when French forces arrived and ordered the British colonials back to Virginia. They tore down the British fortifications and built Fort Duquesne.

1758 – During the French and Indian War, General John Forbes begins a campaign to capture Fort Duquesne. After initial defeat, he waits until spring, when he discovers the fort largely evacuated. He plans an immediate attack, and the French, vastly outnumbered, abandon and raze the fort. Forbes orders the construction of Fort Pitt, and names the settlement between the rivers “Pittsborough”. British control of the city.

1760 – The first considerable European settlement around Fort Pitt begins to grow. Sabbat packs come to the area

1768 – With the Fort Stanwix Treaty with the Iroquois ceding land south of the Ohio to the British. European settlement in Western Pennsylvania increases significantly.

1774 – Increasing conflict with Native Americans leads to Dumore's War. Native American conflict continues throughout the American Revolution. Camarilla forces come to the city and lay claim forcing out the Sabbat Packs.

1777 – Fort Pitt becomes an American fort, under command of Brigadier General Edward Hand. The Mastiff comes to the area with his Childe Franklin Rhine at the behest of Tremere Bartholomew Gerald...investigating the area for suitability of a Camarilla stronghold and future site of Praxis.

1786 - Pittsburgh Gazette first published. First newspaper west of the Alleghenies.

1787 – A deed of land and charter was granted for the Pittsburgh Academy, later called the University of Western Pennsylvania, and now the University of Pittsburgh. Camarilla establish a stronghold and Bartholomew Gerald(NPC) of clan Tremere claims Praxis.

1794 – The Whiskey Rebellion, the town's first courthouse is built.

1797 – The manufacture of glass begins. Fort Pitt is officially decommissioned and subsequently demolished.

1800 – Population 1565, 60 shops

1810- Sabbat murder Bartholomew Gerald during a local gathering in front of enough Camarilla kindred that it is known that the Sabbat did it.

1816 – Pittsburgh incorporated into a city. Frederick de Gorizia takes Praxis after the murder of Bartholomew Gerald at the hands of the Sabbat. Gorizia removes Hospitality from The Mastiff...Pittsburgh’s longest surviving Kindred resident

1818 – The region's first river bridge (Smithfield Street Bridge) opens.

1829 - The Pittsburgh Gazette champions the Anti-Masonic Movement, under editor Neville B. Craig.

1832 - The Pennsylvanian Advocate begins publication.

1833 - The Advocate goes to daily publication as the Pennsylvanian Advocate and Pittsburgh Daily Adviser, becoming Pittsburgh’s 2nd daily paper.

1834 – Pennsylvania Main Line Canal completed.

1835 - McClurg, Wade and Co. built the first locomotive west of the Alleghenies.

1840 – PA Turnpike completed, connecting Pittsburgh to Philadelphia.

1841 – Second Court House of Grant's Hill completed.

1843 - Spirit of the Age begins publication, Pittsburgh’s 3rd daily paper.

1844- Allegheny Cemetery established

1845 – The Great Fire of Pittsburgh. Believed to be an attempt at the Prince’s life at the hands of the Sabbat, however the Prince escapes completely unharmed. The Mastiff returns to Pittsburgh. 1846 - Odeon Hall opens

1847 - Devlin Mooney arrives in Pittsburgh, a young Irish immigrant escaping the Potato Famine. He gets a job working as a newsboy for the Gazette.

1849- Horne’s in business.

1851 – Rail service begins between Cleveland and Allegheny City (current North Side). St. Peter’s Episcopal Church built Devlin Money begins working as a reporter at the Gazette.

1854 – Rail service begins between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

1859 – Coke-fire smelting introduced to area.

1860- Population 49,221

1861 – Pittsburgh is a major supplier of arms and ammunition during the Civil War. Iron City Brewing Company established

Devlin Mooney is a war correspondent during the Civil War.

1862- The Allegheny Arsenal explosion cause to this day remains a mystery.

186? - Devlin Mooney is embraced by into the Mastiff lineage.

1875 – Edgar Thomson Works in Braddock begins using Bessemer process to make steel rail.

1877 – Pittsburgh Railway Riots.

1880 - The Pittsburg Times starts operations.

1881- Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions formed at Turner Hall, believe to be the workings of the Anarchs. Pop: 156,381

1885- Polish Immigrants flock to Herron Hill in droves such that it is renamed Polish Hill.

1886-Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish school, convent, church founded

1890- Schenley Park is established H.J. Heinz Company in business.

1892 – Homestead Strike; workings of the Brujah

1895- Carnegie Museum of Art and Pittsburgh Arts Society founded.

1896- Carnegie Museum of Natural History established. Schenley Park Casino destroyed by fire.

1897- Station Square first opens as the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Complex.

1898- Pittsburgh Zoo and Kennywood Park Open,

1904- Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (Polish Hill) construction begins

1904- Franklin Rhine (Elder Nosferatu, NPC) granted Right of Progeny by Prince Frederick de Gorizia and Embraces Louis of Clan Nosferatu.

1905 Immaculate Heart of Mary Church construction complete

1907 – Pittsburgh annexes Allegheny City.

1910- Louis Presented to Prince Frederick de Gorizia and Released.

1911 – Pittsburgh has grown into an industrial and commercial powerhouse.

1916- William Penn Hotel in business.

1920 – During Prohibition, Pittsburgh is a hotbed of bootlegging and illegal alcohol consumption. KDKA radio begins broadcast.

1921 - Devlin Mooney becomes Sheriff of Pittsburgh

1926- Cathedral of Learning built.

1931- Prohibition in full swing, a major disruption in the flow of alcohol both inside the city and being shipped elsewhere occurs. Lasts about 5 months.

1946 - Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera Founded

1952 - Greater Pittsburgh Airport opens.

1991 - Carnegie Science Center opens.

1992 - Transit strike.[44], Newspaper strike.[45]

1999- Louis Left-Hand returns from Cleveland and Prince grants him Right of Progeny for participation in the Warwick Event

2006- Failed coupe by the Sabbat to take the city.

2010 - Bakery Square development

10/31/11- Franklin Rhine disappears later presumed to be one of the first Elders lost to The Beckoning.

OOC Information

Theme: Adaptation, evolution, finding a way

Mood: Unsettled and unsure

Style Elements: Adjust the numbers for each element to reflect your territory - this does not have to match the NSS’ numbers, but should be what players can expect from a game held in this territory. (This is only needed for territories in which games may be held or plots run, whether live or online)








Storyteller Notes: Appropriate Player Characters: This is a Camarilla centric VSS. Most Camarilla PC concepts are appropriate for play. Non-Cam PCs while not prohibited, should be advised that life will be difficult for them i.e. “Hard Mode”. Non Cam PC’s are unlikely to get NPC assistance as Anarch/IA/Unaligned NPCs will be used as antagonists. Local PCs may have negative reactions to Non-Cam vampires. There will be no designated feeding territory for Non-Cam vampires, thus one would have to either poach Camarilla feeding areas, pay to use Cam territory, and/or accept feeding penalties for feeding in sub-prime locals.

Venue rules: Downtimes are calculated monthly. Extra downtimes from rituals, computer skill, etc. can be used however desired (apart from abilities like Science that are restricted per RAW). Influence renews monthly. Status renews at the start of a game, or at the beginning of the month.. XP will be awarded in accordance with the Player Approval document.

Starting Blood Mechanics: Per BNS, a downtime is required to feed each month. Using Herd removes this requirement, per the rules in the book. Not spending a downtime or having Herd available causes the PC to come to game at half blood, per the Book. Other activities as defined in the BNS book can limit starting blood.

Havens: Haven descriptions and locations must be on file with the storyteller to have a mechanical effect.

Approvals and Record-keeping: Any application for a special approval item or power submitted for a character assigned to this VSS should demonstrate an understanding of theme, consequences, responsibility, and self-restraint. A complete character sheet, including XP log, and a reasonably complete and detailed background should be kept filed and up to date on the Applications Database (International Camarilla Approvals System). Approvals are a privilege, not a right, failure to uphold the setting or theme of the game is grounds for the removal of an Approval. If there is a conflict of sheets, the sheet in the Approvals Database shall be considered the official record.

Storyteller Jurisdiction: An ST with jurisdiction must be present for death scenes. In the EC region, for these purposes, jurisdiction is defined as an ST who is either in the venue's approvals chain or is an appointed assistant of an ST in said chain. At no time are Officers from other regions permitted to run scenes in the EC without the VST's approval.

Kill Boxes: Any time you enter a kill box you accept the possibility of a time freeze. This is especially true in regards to the weekends preceding conventions when time is most crucial. Death scenes are often contentious issues, and players should be aware that choosing to get involved constitutes agreement to accept all consequences of that choice.

Proxy: All Proxies will be considered Hard Proxies. Proxying to this domain means placing yourself under the jurisdiction of the presiding ST. Large scale proxies may be resolved at the ST's discretion. Proxies not received 48 hours prior to the event may be refused at ST discretion.

Proxies require permission from the PC's VST and require the following:

  • Full character sheet. This includes any special approvals for items/powers/influence/merits/flaws that require special approvals. Without proof of these approvals, those special approval items will **NOT** be used in the proxy.
  • VST / DST / RST contact information (e-mail & phone number when possible). I will need to able to confirm things with them and give them the results of the proxy so they can incorporate said results into their games.
  • Clearly stated goals for your character. You need to be as precise as possible when you state your character's goals and actions for the proxy. Any information that is left out will be left up to the storyteller staff to include. Assumptions will be made if necessary.
  • Contingency plans & Exit Strategy. Please include contingency plans as the best-laid plans are sometimes disrupted. Without the contingency plans, the storyteller staff will make decisions for the characters. These decisions may or may not be what the players would have done.
  • Have a person assigned to run your sheet if possible. The person may not portray multiple characters.

Players Agree to the following conditions. If you are not comfortable with these conditions, then do not proxy your character.

  • All proxy play is final. Death or worse are possibilities. In every proxy scene, there are inherent dangers. Players who agree to proxy are appraised that these results are possibilities during proxy play. Pittsburgh is a dangerous place and non-resident Proxies coming in to "deal" with NPC related issues should expect a high probability of character death.

Regionally Affecting Events: Player-driven action that would make regional, national, or international news requires RST notification within 48 hours so that the regional office can apply appropriate consequences and/or spread the information in a timely manner.

Character Activity: PC's who have not attended a game or sent in a downtime action for three consecutive months will be considered "Inactive." Inactive characters will remain on the VSS and all advantages purchased with XP will remain in play. If the player is non-responsive or inactive for a total of 6 months, the character may be removed from the VSS.

Visiting Characters: All characters must provide a character sheet and XP Log. The Storytellers reserve the right to deny entry to characters that will be unbalancing or detrimental to the stability of the game.