The Mastiff Quotes

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  • "Always so nice to see another Nosferatu willing to meet the night unmasked. I'm sorry, did I say 'nice?' Er.. I meant, um, impressive, yes." - Zoltan Vancura
  • "Both terrifying and wise, The Mastiff is a staunch guardian of the Camarilla and all it stands for. I have learned from his example and his council." - Malcolm Crane
  • "He is my opposite in all things. The personal is political, and little is more divisive than politics. We aren't enemies...but I wonder if we'll ever truly be friends again." -Bob
  • "It is a form of endless grief, to have an ideal that you hold so dear that you shed blood for it, that you burn for it, only for it to change and evolve again and again. The Camarilla is not static. Nothing is that survives. Like our children and our childer, our siblings and our broodmates, our countries and our domains, we must grieve that which we love with every step we take throughout eternity, because with every dawn that which we loved has changed and a part of it has died, and we must discover our love anew." - Beatrix