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Dr. John "Levinbolt" Alexor
"“Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar. Choose to be lightning.”"
-- Matshona Dhliwayo--

Name: Dr. John "Levinbolt" Alexor
Clan: Tremere: House Carna
Social Standing: Neonate
Sect: Anarch
Notable Traits:
Dr. John Alexor Is a young slim man in his early 20's with short Silver/White hair and pale blue eyes, at 5 foot 11 inches weighing in at about 195 pounds. Well dressed for most any occasion Alexor can usually bee seen sporting a suit at times, though he can also be seen wearing modern punk/occult clothing as well. Alexor usually is seen with an elaborate walking cane, combat gloves, and odd concoctions or occult items.
Gang and Title:
- Chantry Raiders
- The Freest God Damn Tremere you'll ever fucking meet!
- 1985 Attended Saint Louis University and attracted the attention of Clan Tremere as a prodigy, was ghouled shortly there after.
- 1989 Appeared at local gatherings as a ghoul of Clan Tremere with a noticeable limp and walking with a cane.
- 1991 Was embraced through right of progeny and placed under the accounting
- 1993 Released from the accounting after having given a dissertation on the meaning and importance of the 6 traditions
- 1994 Seen at formal court gathering in St. Louis, is quiet and rarely speaks.
- 1999 Reassigned by Clan Tremere, appears in various cities over the next 3 years "on assignment' for Clan Tremere.
- 2002 Renounces standing in St. Louis as a member of the Camarilla citing the oppressive nature of his clan.
- 2003 Rumors of a fight between Alexor and members of Clan Tremere circulate, no formal statements or charges made.
- 2004 Dr. John "Levinbolt" Alexor officially joins the Anarch movement after cutting power to a formal Camarilla gathering for an entire evening and is rumored to have set fire to a Chantry.
- 2005 Joins Sylas Senrouss's gang, they have been thick as thieves ever since.
- 2006-2010 Alexor travels across the US, aiding the movement wherever he can, overcoming the stigma of being a Tremere in the movement, he openly uses Thaumaturgy for the benefit of the movement. During this time, Tremere attempt to capture/kill Alexor, Sylas Senrouss's gang kill every and all Tremere sent after Alexor.
- 2011, October, Alexor is in San Francisco with Sylas Senrouss the night of the beckonning. Over the following months Alexor travels across the country, with a notably larger retinue of ghouls everywhere he goes. Alexor was concerned over the Ghouls that served elders of Clan Tremere, claiming some where so old they would have died without a Domitor. This raises a debate locally in the Anarch movement as ghouls are a symbol of the oppression of the blood bond. Alexor argues that their lives are worth more then such a thought. Alexor treats these ghouls like family taking excellent care of them following true to his word.
- 2011-2013 Alexor convinces Sylas Senrouss and the gang to travel cross country raiding defunct Chantries that were abandoned after the beckoning for occult knowledge and rare thaumaturgical components.
- 2014 Alexor after much heated debate and having been at odds most of his unlife with Clan Tremere, joins House Carna as many of House Carna defect to the Anarch movement. Alexor embraces these Tremere with open arms, pushing the notion that they escaped from the claws of the Elders of Clan Tremere.
- 2015-2019 Alexor makes a name for himself as a strong and ruthless fighter, using his Thaumaturgy for both direct and indirect combat, being a skilled Spellslinger and quick to act in a fight, despite not having a strong physical frame. Notably several apparent Thaumaturges fight by Alexor's side working with Sylas Senrouss's gang.
- 2020 Sets up shop in St. Louis in Anarch Territory, but is rarely seen at St. Louis gatherings, preferring to travel cross country to other free states.

Alexor and Relationships:
Dr. Johnathan Alexor grew up a prodigy in the scholastics, skipping grades from an early age. By the time he was 15 he had Graduated high school with the best grades in the entire school district and had a full scholarship from Saint Louis University. Alexor as he preferred to be called would take one year off from school, his parents citing his need for a driver's license before he could attend college. Alexor moved out of his parent's home the day he turned 16 and began his studies at school, living on campus. Alexor would catch the attention of one of the local Tremere who had eyes all over the University, looking for promising acolytes. With little choice given to him adn under false pretenses Alexor became an Acolyte of House and Clan Tremere. Thats when the real hell began. Alexor was required to maintain a strict 4.0 or better GPA, attend to his Domitor, and perform the duties of an Acolyte all at the same time. Alexor went through hell it seemed like for years, eventually earning a doctorate and finishing schooling at an astounding rate he was able to devote his studies solely to the arcane, and he excelled. In September of 1991 he was given the embrace, but not by his domitor, an elder of the clan, instead he was embraced by an ancilla. A common tactic in the rivalries of House and Clan, it was to limit his skill by generation. Alexor was highly skilled in both the swiftness and deadliness of his Thaumaturgy, earning notoriety in the clan as a quick caster and a spellslinger. He rapidly mastered Weather Control and was used to solve "problems" of Clan Tremere, frequently sent out on dangerous assignments and rarely rewarded. Alexor was used like a weapon and treated like one as well. Alexor grew frequently upset and distant from House and Clan. Eventually leaving the Camarilla and going rogue within the Clan he joined the Anarch movement. His Hazing ensured he'd never be accepted back by the Camarilla or by his Clan. Alexor fought hard and steadfast to prove his worth in the Anarch movement, eventually coming out of the shell he had been in all his life. He join Sylas Senrouss's gang and has been there ever since. He openly talks about his abilities and gifts, how they can be used in a situation and how to in detail combat Thaumaturgy. Alexor eventually joined House Carna when they arose to prominence in 2014 and helped with easing them into the movement. He hates House Tremere, but is indifferent to House Goratrix, not knowing much about them. He is atypically relaxed, jovial, if a bit smart ass. He can hold his own in a fight and loves the philosophy of libertas.
Friends and Allies:
- Are you my Enemy?
- Are you my Enemy?

- "One of the best things about being in the movement is getting to talk with all the other Clans that hate House Tremere, but man the looks I get......Awkward!" Dr. Johnathan Alexor
- "I will go full Palpatine on you." - Dr. Johnathan Alexor
- "I have met very few problems of the supernatural persuasion that can't be solved with Lightning." - Dr. Johnathan Alexor
- "Weirdest fucking Tremere youll ever meet. But I guarantee, you wouldnt want anyone else at your back if things go south." - Sylas Senrouss
- "Only time I have heard anything like hat was during a lightning storm in Tulsa back in the 60's." Rabbit
- "Possibly Alexor then. That guy has a thing for tossing lightning around more then a damn Sith Lord." Genesis
- "Nothing against someone who has chosen to do one thing especially well; however, weapons rarely make for outstanding company." - Zoltan Vancura
- Was a Rogue Thamaturge Prior to the formation of House Carna
- Killed a Tremere Elder in magical combat
- Was embraced as a weapon of War for Clan Tremere
- Hates House Tremere
- Raided Chantries on more then one occasion
- Liberated Ghouls from Clan Tremere and uses them as his personal retinue