Codrin "Cody" Neascu Quotes

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"A toreador with a hardened heart, is a rose who's pedals have lost all color. I feel as though Mr. Neascu should have some sessions with Our Dear Harpy Claude, as it pains me to see such beauty be left as an uncut stone." - Virgil Vendicimo

"This one has seen pain, I've seen faces like this on many veterans throughout American History. But with pain comes wisdom and beauty - and you can see it in his art" - Kelly Cassidy

"Oh dear, another Toreador with a broken heart. They do it to themselves you know, but such is the fate of an artist! It requires passion, yes, and some vulnerability, too. But what a noble sacrifice they make, to open themselves to such anguish so that we may all delight in it." - Zoltan Vancura