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Audrei avatar.png

Pronouns She/Her
Creature Type Ghoul

Further Information


Audrei is old enough, has moved enough, and changed enough that her background and accent are hard to pinpoint. She appears to be around 20 years old, deeply tanned. Her demeanor is confidently deferential. Everything about her is manicured to avoid attention. Her hair is pulled back, she most often wears dark, tailored but simple dress slacks/button down shirt. She’s nearly always scanning the room, but is quick to drop her gaze if she happens to meet anyone’s eyes, often with a quick nod, curtsy, or bow.

Etiquette is paramount to Audrei, and would never let any kindred see her be anything other than stiffly formal and exceedingly polite.


-Prior to the late 1400s, she maintained a low profile and doesn't talk about it. I'm open to select ties from this era, but they're very specific.

  • 1500s - Ghoul to TBD (Ventrue/Tremere) elder regnants (open for ties)

-2020 - Chronicle start. Anything from this point forward needs to be learned IC.


For as long as the Camarilla has existed, Audrei has been the quintessential Camarilla elder ghoul. Her long history serving elder princes has left her with all the proper Tower opinions, beliefs, and prejudices, although her open distaste for Anarchs and hatred of Caitiff seem to go beyond simple Camarilla loyalty and be some of her few personal opinions.


  • "If you ever question why the Anarch Movement has a thing against ghouling people, you really just need to look at Audrei. This cat has been a ghoul for longer than most kindred have been alive, and she's done some really really evil stuff." - Bodhi

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OOC Information
Player Dawn Lloyd
Pronouns She/Her
MES # US2002022740
Domain Wa-090-D
Storyteller Matt Rockhold