Truth's Burden Quotes

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  • "Truth's Burden has a storied history with my tribe, a history that I respect. He also has a knack of ensuring that he achieves what he wants, despite any obstacle." -Tuhuro Anaath, "Shadow's Edge
  • "This one knows the old ways and when I took a page from my Tribal history, they understood what I was doing with instant awareness. I am grateful that there are those out there that still allow my Tribe to partake in our traditional ways." - Warborn
  • "Such a talented wordsmith, when he tells you to go to hell you can't help but look forward to the trip. It would take me a lifetime to understand him but I already know all I need to know about him and I trust him with my life." - Yelena
  • "This one wears strange things to Sea's shoreline but pleasant to speak to. The thought of covering that much makes skin itch, though." - Ivory Carved Death
  • "Is Athro Silver Fang. Should am be taking charge of Lonely Mountain. But is no this thing. Is insteadings try givings orders he am is no right gives. Challenge Cracks Pavement, or do not." Aleksey "Aleks" Volkov
  • "I had the pleasure of collaborating on a story with him recently. It has been a long while since I worked with anyone on UnSea to do such and look forward to more." - Ivory Carved Death