Jahangir Al-Tanin
Revision as of 03:18, 2 January 2021 by JALEEN W. US2003122663 (talk | contribs)

Known to the Camarilla
Name: Jahangir Al-Tanin
Social Class: Elder Banu Haqim
Notable Traits:
Physical Description:
Time line
Known Allies and Associates
Genesis- Padawan student to the elder. Verdict is out if this is a bad Star Wars remake between the two or chaos in the making of a Tower Elder taking on an anarch tremere.
- "Respect and honor runs deep with this man. A rare treasure in this modern nights." - Genesis
- "I love watching him smoke his cigars, the smell reminds me of a bright fall day." - Syfa McAdams
- Collecting blue eyed individuals for his own harem.
- Enjoys a good puff puff.
- May be blessed by a Goddess.
OOC Information
Player: Kevin Meyer
MES Number:
Territory: TBD
ST: TBD, Virtual Storyteller
ST email: TBD