Frederick de Gorizia Quotes

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  • Louis IX , King of France, speaking to his eldest son: “I would rather have a Scot come from Scotland to govern the people of this kingdom well and justly than that you should govern them ill in the sight of all the world.”
  • "Vie Victus - Woe to the Conquered. And woe to any who step in Frederick's way. Ruthless on the battlefield as he is in the boardroom. Cross at your own peril." - Grifo
  • We have agreed and we have disagreed in the past. However, Prince de Gorizia continues to show that he is a Kindred who understands that the strength of the Tower lies with the strength of its Domains and its Praxis holders. - The Mastiff
  • "A stern traditionalist and knowledgeable strategist, he has kept Pittsburgh safe and stable for its citizens and a bastion of Camarilla power. What more can we ask?" - Malcolm Crane
  • "In battle, one must feint. One must be willing to turn into a blow, to suffer the hit, and to use it to maneuver to a place of greater advantage. Frederick de Gorizia brings the tactical mastery of a Ventrue Elder to every encounter before him, be it a battlefield, a boardroom, or a ball. Watch him, and you will learn much about the long game." - Beatrix