Djieien, "Seed Stealer"

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Seed Stealer

Athro.png Ananasi.png

Screenshot 20240527 114003 Discord.jpg

Character Name Djieien
Pronouns They/Them/It/Its
Fera Ananasi
Rank Athro
Auspice Wyrsta
Breed Arachnid
Rank Athro

Further Information


Seed stealer is a Monsterous being regardless of form, but walks around in their Homid form for convenience. They posses three digits on each hand, and have hairy appendages curved around their face. They possess 6 [maybe even more] eyes, and a hard chitinous body. They cover themselves with a cloak made of their own silk, as practically their only form of clothing.

They don't speak much, but will answer any question, or give advice when asked. This information may not be fully honest, and is undoubtedly not from a typical gaian perspective.

When they speak, there is a hissing lisp, suggesting there are possibly mandibles or some other obstruction within or around their mouth, hidden in their shadowed visage.


There is no Publicity Availible timeline


- "Seed Stealer's the creepiest thing I ever stood beside. I'll never trust them but I'll stand with them any day." Blacktail

- "Gotten way more chances in the past year than I ever thought I would to get up close'n personal with the Ananasi. It's only been twice, and I was strattlin the two different spiders for very different reasons, but ya can't get that close to folk without learning somethin bout them. What I've seen of Stealer is that they ain't that different than the rest of us. They've got their secrets, they've got a complicated relationship with their family, and they've got the same war we do. I'm glad they're on our side; not just because I ain't tryin to get all the gnosis sucked out of me and I've seen the good they can do at our side, or even just because I've found'em to be good company, but because I think we can all teach each other somethin. I don't need to know all their secrets, but I think we can help each other find some answers about'em, and maybe even take some lil steps towards putting back together Gaia's whole fucked up lil family at the same time." - Neith Ward
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OOC Information
Player Wolfgang Fuller
Pronouns Any/All
MES # US2017110069
Domain NE-Virtual
Storyteller Erin Smith