Amelia H. Reeves Quotes

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"Woman knows how to have a good time. Now if she could just join the rest of the cool kids we could party all the time." Alex Blackwell

"Amelia's just got like... really good vibes. Really great to hang with." Molly Moondust

"While I did not meet her under the best circumstances, I can say I did enjoy the pleasant company of this lovely Flower at least one evening. Rabbit

"Amelia is the strongest woman I know and one I consider a dear friend. I worry about her on her various outings but I know she'll always come home safe" Dawn

    • ”Is it because of Cliff ? - Amelia

"You're Gross" - Amelia to Xavier

“How are you such a petulant child?” - a frustrated Louis Dumont

"What do I think of Ms.Reeves? Cristo di merda... I can tell you what I know. Amelia is the most level headed Malk I have ever met. She can still be nuttier than squirrel shit, but when it comes down to it, she can look out for herself." - Angelino Torzani

"She is the bestest of buttons" - Syfa McAdams