Charles Hakstege, MD

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Charles Hakstege, M.D.

Charles stands at 5'8" inches tall and appears to be in his mid-50s and has grey hair. Quite comfortable in a business suit, doctor's scrubs or casual attire, he tends to blend in well with his environment.

Mortal history

Charles was born in 1771 Rotterdam, Netherlands. Charles' family wished that he become a surgeon, so he attended the University of Pavia Medical School in Northern Italy. With his medical degree and surgeon internship complete, Charles returned to Rotterdam in 1707 after establishing many friendships among the social and medical elite in Italy and surrounding countries.

Due to the growing unrest in the Netherlands from England and France, Charles moved to America in 1810, a few years prior to the War of 1812. Recognizing a chance to get back at England, Charles joined the American Military hoping to put his surgical skills to good use. Unfortunately, the Americans needed armed soldiers, so he was handed a musket and assigned to an infantry battalion in Fort Hawkins, Georgia. Charles carried a basic medical kit with his equipment and helped with the American casualties when it was possible. Charles participated in the Battle of New Orleans, which was fought on January 8th, 1815, eighteen days after the Treaty of Ghent was signed, which formally ended the war.

Following the war, Charles decided to relocate to New Orleans and acquired a position as a surgeon at Charity Hospital. The many images of the battlefields in the war, as well as conversations he had in Italy, made him realize that there were supernatural forces at work in the world. Charles began conducting research while becoming a well-known surgeon in the city. One night in 1822, Charles received a strange message from a woman claiming knowledge to possess the knowledge he was seeking. This meeting with change his life forever...

Ventrue History

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Recent History

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Linage: House of the Griffon

Charles Hakstege, M.D.
Clan: Ventrue
Sect: Camarilla
Position: Ancilla & Primogen of Trenton, NJ.
Domain: [Place domain hyperlink here]
Player: Norman B. - US2019090053
Facebook: Click here
VST: [Insert VST email here]
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