Ivy Lynne Gatwood

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Name: Vincenzo Giovanni di Calderari
Aliases: Vincent, "V"
Clan: Giovanni
Generation: 9th
Sect: Independent Alliance

Lineage: Il Calderari
GreatGrandchilde of Alessandro Giovanni di Calderari
GrandChilde of Agnese Giovanni di Calderari
Childe of Paolo Giovanni di Calderari

Notable Traits:
Well dressed. Carries a cane at all times. Calm and easy going. Enjoys speaking at length about Philosophy and Occult matters.

Title or Position:


1795 – Born in Sicily
1830 – Ghouled into Family line.
1849 - Travel to San Francisco with Paolo Giovanni.
1851 - Embraced by Paolo Giovanni.
1922 - Establishes himself in Eureka, CA.
2019 - Moves to Tacoma, WA

Vincenzo Giovanni di Calderari

Domain: WA-80-D
Player: Wyatt
Email: Wyatt
MES Number: US2004102185
Location: Tacoma, WA
Template props to Jonathan Felber

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Name: Ivy Lynne Gatwood

Social Class: Neonate

Clan: Banu Haqim Vizier

City: St. Louis, Missouri

Sect Information

Sect: Camarilla

Position: N/A

Abiding Status:

  • Acknowledged

Fleeting Status:




  • 1875 - Born in Savannah Georgia
  • 1892 - Christmas Cotillion - Débutante Ball attended as a mortal
  • 1904 - Year Ghouled - focuses on assisting in academic study projects and skill training for five decades with Regnant and various members of lineage.
    • Sent to the St. Louis Worlds Fair by Lineage Regnant to collect notes and information on new inventions being unveiled.
      • Becomes a behind the scenes activist and supporter for the International Woman Suffrage Alliance (IWSA)
  • 1954 - Year Embraced
  • 1970 - Left Accounting/Training - Returns to St. Louis to start her own Lore Library
    • Meets Pretender Elder Magni Eriksson, who rescuse her from an overwhelmingly unbalanced hunter attack in the city. The two become unlikely bedfellows over the course of the next few decades.
  • 1999 - Is among the group of Viziers which join the Camarilla with Al-Ashrad.
    • Meets Adrian M. Stewart, Master Elder Ventrue, who takes an interest in the young academic and helps to fund her a building for her library and invest in the new camarilla neonate's success.
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  • Add one here!
  • Add one here!


  • "Smart. Sassy. Southern. Beautiful. I am just on the edge of misbehaving around her." - Randall Priest
  • ”Ivy is like my twin. My name-twin. Fraternal twins. Maybe. I wonder how many try to place bets with her. I can say that I was contacted about an inter-library loan once that was meant for her.” - Shelby Atwood
  • "Ivy has a keen and powerful intellect that has proven time and again to serve her well. Combined with her incredible beauty and bravery, she's never failed to impress." - Magni Erikson
  • Quote here.
  • Quote Here


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Friends and Allies


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Player: Erin DeMoulin-Stratton - US2013070018
Region: Great Lakes
Domain: St. Louis, MO - MO-028-D
Game: Dark City
Facebook: Erin DeMoulin-Stratton
Discord: QueBmb#9512
VST: David Singleton
DST: Rich Smith
DC: Mary Sneed