Durendal Quotes

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"A most loyal companion. Anyone would be lucky to have them on their side. I know I am."
Aria Delmar, Anarch Choir of Eris
"When I heard Gargoyles were real I got really excited and when I finally met them I was super excited!"
Kenneth Bilge, Independent Tremere
"You couldn't ask for a more dependable messenger."
Captain Ariel Leroux, Independent Lasombra
"An interesting specimen. They do their research and remain devout in their beliefs. They could be quite dangerous or quite helpful."
Katherine Davis
"Have you seen their wings? They are super impressive. I haven't known them long but they are very strong and brave! You definitely want them around if bad things are happening." *Nods assuredly* -"
Khloe Fox unaligned gangrel
"The first time we met, I thought, well I'm about to be a blood splatter and now I have a guardian I can trust at my side. -"
Genesis Carna Anarch