Masquerade Chronicle Worldbuilding

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Cities and Officers



1391 - 1435 Prince of Vienna (pre-Camarilla) Andrei Hermannstadt

Allies & Enemies

Canon Events

Destruction of the Sabbat Tremere

1999: The Camarilla Tremere perform a powerful ritual that purges nearly all of the Tremere Antitribu from the Sabbat. Known ritualists:

Jerry Holiday

Ritual to Save the World

June 21, 2009: After years of planning, Thaumaturges and Necromancers gather a variety of Kindred with unique abilities and attempt a ritual to stop Gehenna (“The Ritual to Save the World”). When the Red Star fades not long after, some believe it may have even worked.

Ritual Participants

Write Up

Fall of Vienna

  • February 8, 20212: The Prime Chantry in Vienna is sacked and destroyed. Those claiming responsibility are a hunter organization known as the Arcanum

Jerry Holiday - held off multiple hunters at great risk to his own unlife and was critical to allowing other Tremere to escape before the Chantry fully fell.

Beating of Jeremy MacNeil - 1944

  • November, 1944: Prince Don Sebastian Juan Dominguez attempts to oust the Anarchs from Los Angeles by ordering Jeremy MacNeil detained and beaten
  • December 21, 1944: Jeremy MacNeil and the Anarchs begin the Second Anarch Revolt and establish a Free State.

February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt

Silas Grimsby


Conclave of Prague

  • February 7, 2011: Jeremy MacNeil leads a group of Brujah Anarchs in a show of force against the Tower at the Conclave of Prague, killing the Ventrue Hardestadt

Zoltan Vancura

Former Sabbat

Mace Walter Merrick Former Sabbat. Joined the Camarilla in 1801 along with his entire pack. Current Prince of Trenton, NJ.

Founders and Leaders

Anarch Free-State Militia - 2004

Silas Grimsby

Sectarian Events & Epic Battles

Break-in! at The Mountain - 1495

Zoltan Vancura

Treaty of Tyre Witness - 1496

Zoltan Vancura

Third Sabbat Civil War - 1957
