Character Information

Name: Antonio de la Vega
Clan: Salubri
Social Status: Pretender Elder
Concept Kindred Society: Healer
Born- 1800
1814 - Fought in the Peninsular War to free Spain from French Rule.
1815 - Took a Vow of Peace and joined the Monastery.
1820 - Was among those purported to have been killed during the riots in against the church for siding with Ferdinanad VII. In fact he was embraced by a Salubri Healer.
1820 - 1836 - Continued to help the monasteries throughout Spain.
1836 - Fled to the United States when most of the monasteries were abolished during the First Carlist War.
1840 - 1920s- Living in Southern United States, kept to himself, looking after the less fortunate especially in ares that were beginning to be incorporated as cities. (1892 - Tampa, 1896- Miami, 1921, Sarasota)
1920's - Great Depression
1940's - Supported the beginnings of the Anarch Movement under an alternate identity he no longer uses.
1950's - Revealed himself (and his clan) to Baron Savannah Marin.
Current - Stayed in St Petersburg until recently hearing of the infernal threat in Tampa. Has now moved to Tampa and will reveal himself to the new Baron with the death of his friend Savannah.
Known to Society
“We all have a purpose to serve God under Heaven. It matters not what path we walk, we all are His children. “ – Father Antonio de la Vega
Father de la Vega is a humble, but simple priest. While he has been around for some time, his view of elders is that one earns their place in life through their deeds and word, not a predetermined age. He has spent much time in St Petersburg and Tampa, FL, he has been a member of the Movement almost since its inception. He has worked with Baroness Savannah util her passing, then with Baroness Abigail until hers. With the current conflict between the Camarilla and Anarch Movement there, he has been now more back and forth from Tampa to Harmony Island.
Father de la Vega s also known to be an advocate for the less fortunate and downtrodden. He has hosted spearheaded many events to benefit the needy, including kindred. Regardless of faith, he has always been willing to offer a helping hand or roof during the day or night.
Soft spoken, and compassionate, there is a lot to learn from the Good Father. He is approachable and always willing to offer an ear.
- Father de la Vega is known to take care of the less fortunate and needy even into modern times. He has a soft heart for even kindred who have fallen on hard times, and tries to lead them to a better kindred life.
- the Good Father is rumored to have been urged on by a Gargoyle named Cliff to ride a skateboard. It is said that it actually happened, and was called "Lord on a Board".
"Kindred life does not have to be pain and suffering. We are not all resigned to be Damned. Through faith, good deeds, and unwavering belief we can find a way back to salvation." --Father Antonio de la Vega
"De la vega is a skilled physician, having sustained many a sword and arrow wound myself, his knowledge is Penultimate" --Demetrius of Corfu. Unaligned Brujah Elder
OOC Information
Player: Del Smith
Pronouns: He/Him
MES #:US2002023011
Domain: FL-001-D
Storyteller: Jason Herman