Nothing Else To Do
I Thought That Drinking Just To Get Drunk
Was A Waste Of Precious Booze
But Now I Know That There's A Time
And There's A Place Where I Can Choose
To Walk The Fine Line Between
Self-Control And Self-Abuse"
- The Barenaked Ladies
Domain: MES Virtual
Player: Sean Carter (US2019010088)
VST: Leland Fry
Discord: Seanicusbunnicus#0448
ANST Virtual: Rachael Smith
ANC CM: Denise Lily
"And the God of Wine
Is crouched down in my room
You let me down, I said it
Now I'm going down
And you're not even around"
-Third Eye Blind
Name: | Vance Fizzlestout |
Kith: | Nocker |
Court: | Shadow |
Seeming: | Foundling |
The Miner's Lament
1500 Square Feet
Single Bar
Everything's a dance floor if you've had enough
It'll get you drunk
Tuesday Karaoke

Old Fashioned
White Lady
Lion's Tail
Mind Eraser
- ??? - ????
- ???? - ????
- ???? - ????
- 2021 - June. Vance awakens on Harmony Island with no memory of his life beforehand.
- 2021 - August. He quickly establishes a bar on the island, The Miner's Lament, using funds he discovered were available to him under the name Vance Finklestein.
- 2021 - September. The Miner's Lament gathers a reputation as a place to go to purge depression. The spirits served there are rumored to hold a deep malaise that puts one's own problems into perspective. Vance becomes known for being a gruff, yet attentive, listener.
- 2021 - November. Through his business, Vance forges connections with both local government and street level criminals.
- 2022 - January. Vance makes his presence known to the Kithain of the island, a blank slate in need to direction.
"I'm not big on social graces
Think I'll slip on down to the oasis
Oh, I've got friends in low places"
-Garth Brooks
(Please feel free to add yourself if you feel it is warranted.)
Fizzlestout Reserve gets you drunk on *feelings*.
Vance was a Shadow Court infiltrator who was discovered prior to High Kind David's fall, and is only just now remembering his Fae self after his punishment left him senseless and mundane.
"Rumor has it..." - Your Name
- "Your quote." - Your Name
"Welcome to my house, buckle up tight
Everybody sings and drinks, laughs and gets high
It's a country music, a little soul
Man, it's a rock n roll rodeo
We don't tolerate no sitting around
Everybody's dancin', groovin' and getting on down
So before you come in here with some kind of attitude
Boy, before you come walkin' in here with any kind of attitude
You better read the house rules"
- Christian Kane
Barenaked Ladies - Alcohol
AC/DC - Have a Drink on Me
Third Eye Blind - God of Wine
George Thorogood & the Destroyers - One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
Christian Kane - The House Rules