
From Modern Enigma Society 2020 Wiki
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Tremere.PNG Camarilla.PNG
Pronouns she/her
Clan House Tremere
Sect Camarilla
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity

Further Information


Valandra is a peppy, passionate, opinionated young woman, appearing in her early 20s but in reality somewhere in her 50s. She wears mallgoth and Burton-esque clothing appropriate to Hot Topics of the 90s and 2000s. (Art by Aviv. The cat is an NPC who has since passed away)


1970: Born 1991: Embraced 2000: Joined House Goratrix 2022: Transferred to House Tremere


Valandra practices a few magickal arts but prides herself on ethical necromancy, a magickal political philosophy founded by Justin Miliner. She is often more ecstatic about it than he is. She has the most dangerous belief of all, that vampires can be good people, and she will argue endlessly on that point, particularly when it comes to what she believes is a necessity to compassionately aid ghosts. Following her defection from House Goratrix in shocked reaction to the crimes of Aisling Sturbridge, she idolizes the Tower as the best form of kindred government to date to keep the Beast in check.

OOC Information
Player Ava Schaul
Pronouns she/her
MES # US2022070026
Domain NY-004-D
Storyteller Jacqui Albin