Swims Too Deep

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Swims Too Deep


Deed Name Swims Too Deep
Pronouns He/Him
Fera Rokea
Auspice Dimwater
Breed Squamus
Rank Athro

Further Information

  • 1682 - Birth year
  • 1702 - First Change Year
  • 1704 - Rite of Passage
  • 1704-1893 - Overcome with curiosity, explores the ocean, from the deepest depths to the shallowest pools
  • 1723 - Achieves Rank 2 after participating in a group hunt to drive back a fleet of fisherman that were depopulating the local sharks
  • 1889 - Achieves Rank 3 after killing those responsible and helping clean up an oil spill off the coast of LA.
  • 1894 - Has their first non hostile conversation with a human. This instils a deep curiosity about the land in them.
  • 1895-1955 - Sneaks onto land for months at a time to explore over the decades. Never more than once a year, always cautious not to get caught by his fellow rokea. He sees this as upholding Kun’s law to swim.
  • 1955 - Was on land when the Turna’a blast killed so many of his people. Was riddled with guilt and returned to the sea, forsaking friendly contact land for the next two decades.
  • 1957 - Achieves rank 4 after hunting down and killing nuclear scientists deep on land.
  • 1975 - Having grown board with the limited discoveries left to him in the see he resumes sneaking back onto land. Discover the movie theater/television. Falls in love with it.
  • 2012 - When the ban on travel to Unsea is lifted, he immediately increases the amount of time he spends exploring land. Visits his first desert. Loves it.
  • 2013 - Is taught to read by a school teacher that he befriends.
  • 2013-2022 - Travels the world of Unsea learning about it's people and it's ways. Gets a GED.

OOC Information
Player Saleem Halabi
MES # US2015090076
Domain GA-010-D
Storyteller Josh F