Category name: Default form: Add Kudos Add Quotes Add Rumors Apocalypse PC Apocalypse PC Group Apocalypse VSS Domain Creation Dreaming PC Masquerade NPC Masquerade NPC Add Quotes Masquerade NPC Add Rumors Masquerade PC Masquerade PC Add Quotes Masquerade PC Add Rumors Masquerade PC Group Creation Masquerade Territory Creation Masquerade VSS Creation Player Sept Template of Shifted Souls Template of Shifted Souls Groups
Make this a subcategory of another category (optional): (no specific faction) Revisionist ideology *Insert Pack Name Here* 061-TX-D 13th Hour 13th Hour Badges 91 AL-009-D AR-012-D AZ-010-D A Confluence of Gnosis A Court Without a King A Place to Remember Abalone Stay Adren Adrián Nicolae Aefef Aegis of Gaia Aegypti Hall Ahrimane Ahroun Ajaba Ajaba Auspice Ajaba Breed Altoona, PA Ananasi Ananasi Auspice Ananasi Breed Ananke Anarch Anarch Free Militia Anarch PC Anarch Railroad Anarch Railroad (Engineer) Anarch Territory Anarch railroad Anda Angelicus Altericus Angelis Ater Angels Apex Apocalypse Apocalypse Badges Apocalypse Brand New VSS Apocalypse Faction Apocalypse Fera-Controlled VSS Apocalypse Gaian Alliance VSS Apocalypse Garou-Controlled VSS Apocalypse Lineage Apocalypse Local NPC Apocalypse NPC Apocalypse National NPC Apocalypse PC Apocalypse PC Group Apocalypse Pack Apocalypse Rank Apocalypse Regional NPC Apocalypse Society Apocalypse Tales Apocalypse VSS Apocalypse pc Apocolypse PC Apple of Discord Setting Arachnid Arcas Argivorium Arigivorum Astride Two Hells Athanasius Xenos Line Athasaia (Ananasi Athasaia (Ananasi) Athro Atlanta, GA Auspice Baali Badger Pack Banu Haqim Banu Haqim Sorcerer Banu Haqim Vizier Banu Haqim Warrior Banu Haquim - Vizier Bastet Bastet Auspice Bastet Breed Bay of Shadows Betweeners Bigfire Cam Bitten Black Furies Black Fury Black Hand Blazing Shadows Blighted Heart Blood Makes the Crops Grow Blood Red Rails PA-021-D Blood and Paradise Blood on my Name Blood on the Rappahannock Bog Witches Boggan Bon Vivants Bone Gnawer Bone Gnawers Boston Brahman Bratovitch Breed Bright One Brightwater Brittle Covenants Broken Dreams Brood of Maspeth Brook Runners Brujah CA-051-D CA-053-D CA-056-D CA-057-D CA-058-D CO-015-D CO-016-D COL-001-D CO Region CR-VIR-D CR-VIR-D - Deadwood, SC CT-001-D Caines Playground Caine’s Playground Caitiff Caitiff/Thinblood Alliance Caitiff and Thinblood Alliance Camarilla Camarilla Territory Camarilla pc Camazotz Camazotz Auspice Camazotz Breed Cappadocian Carpathian Cayo Island King Slayers Ceilican Central Region Central Virtual Region Chain Breakers Changeling VSS Changeling the Dreaming VSS Charlotte, NC Chessmen Child of Gaia Children of Atheris Children of Gaia Chiroptera (Camazotz) Choir of Eris Chronicle Church of Dietrism City of Neighborhoods City on the Take Clan Clan Crescent Moon Cleopatra Cleveland, Ohio Cliath Clurichaun CoD-X / City / New Zealand CoD-X / City / Western Massachusetts Colleen Kaster Commoner Commoner's Liberation Organization Conclave of Abuja Conclave of Halifax Conclave of Havana Conclave of Miami Conclave of Paris Conclave of Prague Conclave of Turin Concordat of Stars Consortium of Keyholders Constructionist Contested Corax Corax Breed Corsair Corvid Coyote Creep Crimson Metamorphosis Crusader Crystal Circle Cub Cult of the Serpent & Apple Cultists Curator Assembly CyberDog DELETEME DSB Dallas, TX Dammit, This IS My Circus Danse Macabre Dark Aria Dark City Dark Compromise Dark Heartland Darkwater Dawn (Ajaba) Dawn (Bastet) Day Club Dayborn Daylight Deadly Curves PA-021-D Deadwood Deceased Deceased PCs Delete Denver By Night Department 7 Des Moines, IA Desperation Detroit By Night Dhampir Di Pasqua Dimwater Discord in Harmony Domain Doshi DraftBonVivantsBeta Dread Guard Dreaming Dreaming Badges Dreaming HouseBadges Dreaming House Badges Dreaming Local NPC Dreaming NPC Dreaming National NPC Dreaming PC Dreaming PC Group Dreaming Regional NPC Dreaming Title Dreaming VSS Duchy of Empire Fealty Chain Dullahan's Ride Dusk (Ajaba) Dusk (Bastet) Duskborne D’Aegypti EC EC-VIR-D Earl's Squirrels Earls Squirrels East Central Region East Coast Region Echoes of the Past Echoes of the Void Echos of Harmony Eclipse-Born Eerie Shores Resurrected - Cleveland, Ohio Eidolon Eji El Destino de Caine Elder Electra Civitatum Emerald Hills EnigmaCon Erin Smith Errant Eshu Ex Tenebris Example Apoc VSS Example Domain Example Domain, AB Example Dreaming VSS Example Freehold Example Region Example Sept Example Territory Example VSS Exsanguinists FL-001-D FL-046 Fallen (Dyad) Fallen (Wyrm) Fangs of Garm Fanmi an Paris Fealty Chain Feline Fellow Travelers Fera Fianna Fire in the Sky Follower of Set Former Alpha of The Brook Runners Former Anarch Railroad conductor/engineer Forsaken Wolves Fostern Foundling Fractured Conspiracies Francis Genovi Free Anarch Milita Free Anarch Militia Free Capitolists Freehold Freehold of Emerald Hills From The Ashes From the Ashes From the Ashes - Desde las Cenizas Fury of the Sea GA-010-D GA-016-D GL-VIR-D GL Virtual GL Virtual VSS Gaian Alliance Galchurva Gallery Noir Galliard Gangrel Gargoyle Garou Auspice Garou Breed Garou Tribe Get of Fenris Ghillie Dhu Ghoul Ghouls Giovanni Glass Walker Glass Walkers Goratrix Grand Ball - Attendees Great Falls, MT Great Lakes Great Lakes Region Great Lakes Virtual Green Carnation Club Green River Investigations Group2 Group Test 02 Group Test 03 Group test Guild Guild of Frozen Perfection Gukutsushi Gurahl Gurahl Auspice Gurahl Breed HI-005-D Hand of Tyr Harbingers Harmony Island Harmony Island 13th Hour Hawaii 5.OH Helena's Family Here Comes Trouble Hermetic Order of the Swift Light Hexanceponi Hiraeth Hollywood Homid Homid (Ajaba) Homid (Ananasi) Homid (Bastet) Homid (Camazotz) Homid (Corax) Homid (Garou) Homid (Gurahl) Homid (Nuwisha) Homid (Ratkin) Homid (Rokea) House Aesin House Ailil House Apollo House Balor House Beaumayn House Caesarea House Carna House Daireann House Dougal House Eiluned House Fiona House Goratrix House Griffon House Gwydion House Koraki House Leanhuan House Liam House Melamed House Mirrored Minds House Nautilus of Clan Lasombra House Nicolescu House Scathatch House Solomon House Stabby Kitty House Tremere House Unbreakable Hearth House Varich House of Lords House of Ogma House of the Griffin House of the Griffon House of the Mirrored Mind House of the Noonday Sun Houston, TX Houston Aflame Hunter Information Network Hyaenid Hydra IA-001-D IE-Clan IE-Domain IE-Fairest IE-Kith IE-Lesser-Templates IE-Lost IE-Motleys IE-NPC IE-PC IE-PC-Group IE-Seeming IE-Territory IE-Territory-Type IE-VSS IE-VSS Type IL-009-D IL-013-D IN-013-D IN-013-D Bloomington, IN Lands Unknown IN-014-D INSERT REGION Idealist Imminent Strike Independent Independent Alliance Independent Alliance Territory Indexed pages Inquisition Interesting Times Iron and Light Ishtarri Ivory Masks Ivory Priesthood Ixya Joshua C Smith Joshua Caleb Fischer KS-020-D KS-024-D KY-004-D Kansas City Karkha Kataribe Keel Haul Kiasyd Kieh Kindred Kinfolk Kith Kithain Court Kitsune Kitsune Auspice Kitsune Breed Knife Skulker Knight of the Moon Kojin/Homid Kojubat Koldun LA-005-D LA-006-D LASTLIGHT La Misteriosa Nave Lamia Lasombra Lasombra Corsair Last Light Last Word Latrani Legend Lexcha Liberty Club Library of the Sixth Worthy Ligue Héllénique Little Rock, AR Little Rock, Arkansas Lodge of the Predator Kings London, England Lonely Mountain Long Scream Goodnight Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles CA CA-053-D Los Panders Nuevo Lost Cub Loyalist Luminary Council Lupus Lycan (Ajaba) Lycan (Bastet) Lycan (Garou) Lycan (Gurahl) Lycan (Ratkin) MA-003-D MA-005-D MA003-D MD-001-D MES Masquerade MES Virtual MES Virtual Apocalypse MI-014-D MI-017-D MO-028-D MT-001-D Macon, GA Magdalena's Faith Magic School Bus Maker's Paradise Makers Paradise Malkavian Malkavian Antitribu Manhattan, KS Masquerade Masquerade / Clan / Samedi Masquerade / Clan / Ventrue Masquerade / Domain / Detroit, MI Masquerade / Lineage / Martel Masquerade / PC / Independent Alliance Masquerade Collective Masquerade Contested VSS Masquerade Coterie Masquerade Gang Masquerade Gang Draft Masquerade Influence Conglomerate Masquerade Lineage Masquerade Local NPC Masquerade Multi-Sect VSS Masquerade NPC Masquerade NPC Animal Masquerade NPC Bookcase Masquerade NPC Desk Masquerade NPC Furby Masquerade NPC Homunculus Masquerade NPC Hunters Masquerade NPC Miscellaneous Item Masquerade NPC Mortal Masquerade NPC Orange Cat Masquerade NPC Robotic Toy Masquerade NPC Wraith Masquerade NPC Yellow Labrador Retriever Masquerade National NPC Masquerade Network Masquerade Non-Ascendant VSS Masquerade Other Masquerade Other Group Masquerade PC Masquerade PC Group Masquerade PC Lineage Masquerade Pack Masquerade Partial Supernatural Masquerade Regional NPC Masquerade Single-Sect VSS Masquerade Syndicate Masquerade Territory Masquerade Territory Type Masquerade Travelling Blues Band Masquerade VSS Masquerade VSS Type Masquerade pc Mastiffs Merchant's Guild Metis Metis (Ajaba) Metis (Bastet) Metis (Garou) Metis (Gurahl) Metis (Ratkin) Midnight Midnight Magnolias Milliner Ministry Mirrored Minds Missouri Region Moderate Modernist Moirai Moment of Truth - Queen City Cincinnati, OH, United States Monolith Moonlight Beach Motley Multi-Sect Multi-Sect: Anarch, Independent Alliance, Camarilla Territory Murder Mystery Theater Mutual Admiration Society Myrmidon Mysteries of the Night Mysterium Mystery Inc. NA NC-006-D NC-008-D NC-VIR-D NE-VIR-D NE-Virtual NJ-007-D NT-001-D NW-VIR-D NY-004-D Nagaraja Napa's Snarling Nefer-Meri-Isis Nefer-Meri-Isis Line New Orleans by Night Night Nightborn Nihilists No Mans Land Noble House Nocker Noctis Libertatem Noiad Non-Ascendant Non-Ascendant Territory None None yet North Central North Central Region North Central Region Region North East Region North West Region Northeast Central Northeast Region Northwest Gambit: A Game of Blood and Power Northwest Region Nosferatu Nova Oculus Nuwisha Nuwisha Breed OH-017-20 OH-017-D OH-022-D OOC Domain / Boston, MA OOC Domain / San Antonio, TX Oderint Dum Metuant Office of the ANST Masquerade Old Salts On a Knife’s Edge Order of St. Blaise Order of the Merciful Mother Order of the Sacred Shield Orphans of the Citadel Orthodox Othodox Outlaws Overlevende Coterie PA-015-D PA-020-D PC Pack Pack of the Last Resort Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls Pages with broken file links Pages with template loops Pander Paris, France Pending Name Perun's Hammer Philodox Phoenix, AZ Pietas Dynasty Pisanob Pisky Player Pooka Premascine Presidium Primal Souls MC Primals Princeton, NJ Procurers Progressives Project Bloodnet Proportional Response Purist Queen City By Night R is for Red Talons, Ratkin, and Revolution Ragabash Ragabash, Ahroun Ragabash (Corax) Ragabash (Garou) Ragabash (Nuwisha) Random Interrupt Ratkin Ratkin Auspice Ratkin Breed Ravnos Red Branch Knights Red Talon Red Talons Redcap Redeemers of the Bitter Frost Redemption Engine Reformer Region Reluctant Alliances Renewalists Repudiators Revenant Revolutionaries Richmond, VA Richmond, Va-013 Riot in Progress Rishi Road Warriors Roanoke, VA Roanoke County, VA Robin Hood Rodens Rokea Rokea Auspice Rokea Breed Rokea Camps Rokea Tribe Roko/Vulpine Rose Hill Cemetery Rose and Mask SC-012-D SC-VIR-D SE SE-VIR-D SW-VIR-D Sabastian and the Snake Charmers Sabbat Sabbat Founder Sabbat PC Sabbat Pack Sabbat VSS Sacred Hoop Salem, VA Salubri Salubri Healer Salubri Warrior Samedi San Antonio, TX Sanctum of Gaia Satyr Scorpion Gulch Seattle Masquerade VSS Placeholder Seattle Territory Placeholder Sect Seelie Court Seeming Selkie Sept Sept of Blossoming Hope Sept of New Growth Sept of Phoenix, AZ Sept of Pinnacle Mountain Sept of Resolute Roots Sept of River's Crossing Sept of Rivers Crossing Sept of Stained Foundations Sept of Sunken Memories Sept of the Broken Cage Sept of the Crooked Road Sept of the Deepest Den Sept of the Earthen Hollow Sept of the Lonely Mountain Sept of the Sacred Builders Sept of the Seven Hills Sept of the Shimmering Waters Sept of the Wyld Shift Serpent of Light Serpent of the Light Shadow Court Shadow Lord Shadow Lords Shadow Seeker Shards of Honor Shifted Souls Shifted Souls Group Template Shifted Souls Groups Shinjin/Lycan Shinjin/Metis Shrapnel Sidhe Silent Strider Silent Striders Silver Fang Silver Fangs Single-Sect Sins of the Southland Sins of the Southlands Sisterhood of Fortune Skins Sluagh Society of Night Society of the Crypt Society of the Enigma Something Suitably Gothic South Central Region South East Region South North Region South West South West Region Southeast Region Southwest Region Space Spokane, WA Springfield, Massachusetts Spyrha Squamus St. Louis Metro Area St. Petersberg, FL Stalkers of the Green Standar-bearers Star City Vampires Stargazer Stargazers Steel Rivers Still Standing Strange Bedfellows Sun-Bleached Bones Swara Swarm Swords of Night Swords of the Night Síl Aedha Eaniagh TBD TX-058-D TX-061-D TX-070-D - Houston, TX Tabula Rasa Tacos de la Muerta Tactical Warfare Tainted Consumption Tampa, FL Teloah Teloah De Canilu Teloah de Canilu Telos Telyav Template of Shifted Souls Tempus Frangit Tenebrous Legio Test Test Player Test test That Ship Has Sailed The Angels The Apple of Discord The Average Jo's The Beautiful Ones The Bon Vivants The Burning Season The Caravan The Chain Breakers M.C. The Chosen The City on the Take The Compass Table The Cursed City The Darkened Lighthouse The Dawnguard The Deadly Curves The Dread Guard The Dynasty The Endless The Equalizers The Fleet of Shadows The Free Capitolists The Freehold of Turtle Bay The Garden The Ghost Dance The Golden Sickle The House of Sparkle Magick The Librarians The Longest Road The Moon Lodge The Night Witches The OC The Patchwork Quilt The Pillars of New York The Price of Victory The Queen City by Night The Radio Libertas The Railroad The Ravens The Red Thorns The Sea Witch The Sentinels The Shadows in the Masks The Society of the Crypt The Sons of Samhain The Storm Chasers The Strivers Club The Sun Lodge The Swarm The United Freehold of Skyfire Citadel The Violets The Waters and the Wyld The Wicked The Zephyr Theatre of Roses Theurge ThirstSquad Thorn & Branch Thread Cutters Tiger Pack (name TBD) Tight Rope on a Spider's Web Tight Rope on a Spiders Web Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 Title 4 Title 5 Tlacique Toreador Toreador Grand Ball 2022 Toreador Grand Ball of Montreal Toreador Grand Ball of Reims Toreador Lineage Totally Not Trustworthy Tower and Sword Tremere Tribe Tribe Eternal Troll True Brujah Tuatha De Fionn Tunnel Runner Turbulent Waters Twilight Tx-059-D Tzimisce Uktena Ultra-Conservative Ultra-Orthodox Ultra Conservative Unaligned Unaligned Territory Unbreakable Hearth Uncle Creaky's Goodtime Club Unknown Unknown Region Unseelie Unseelie Court Unstable Ground Ursine Uzmati VA-013-D VA-019-D VA-027-D VA-028-D VIR-NE-D Valkyria of Freya Variety's Spice Ventrue Violenteers Viper Virtual Virtual Apoc Virtual CoD-X Virtual Domain Virtual Dreaming Virtual Masquerade Virtual Region Virtual Sabbat Virtual Space Viskr Visând Volgirre Vykos WA-001-D WA-073-D WR-VIR-D Wa-090-D Warner Robins, GA Warpath Warrior Washington, DC Web Walker Web of Knives Wendigo Western Western Region Wheel of Fortune Whelp's Compromise Whispering Hopes White Carnation White Red Black Pale Wilder Winder, GA Winter's Teeth Wyrsta X ZFO - Zero Fucks Given Zoot Suit Истина (Istina) Syndicate