James Grant

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James Grant
Caitiff.PNG Independent Alliance.PNG
Pronouns He/Him
Clan Caitiff
Sect Independent Alliance
Social Class Neonate
Morality Path of Enlightenment

Further Information


One part Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist), one part Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul), 'Slick Jimmy' is the man to go to get whatever you need done. If Jimmy can't do it for you, he knows a guy that can... all for a price. Jimmy's inhuman appetite for power and control hides behind a thin veneer of smiles and sarcasm.

  • 1959 - James ‘Jimmy’ Grant was born on August 25th to a typical middle class working family in western Connecticut.
  • 1992 – On July 1st, after a late night at work, James was shovelheaded by his sire Skinner of the pack Shrapnel. He climbed out of the grave clanless, shortly thereafter adopts the name ‘Jimmy Pander’.
  • 1992-2013 - James leans into his new life in the Sabbat, serving as his pack’s Abbot to arrange for their mundane needs while learning the ways of the Sword of Caine, including abandoning the beliefs of Humanity.
  • 2013 – As the rest of Shrapnel heads to Mexico City to answer the Regent’s call, Jimmy remains behind to care for the packs interests at home. His pack never returns as the sect effectively disappears.
  • 2022 - Jimmy relocates to Philadelphia, eventually being granted sway over the Far Northeast territory... a hunting ground he controls through several of the street gangs on his payroll.

OOC Information
Player Robert Recckia
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2013060068
Domain PA-015-D
Storyteller Jason Perez