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Eha, "Ke Koa Pōhaku"
Gargoyle.PNG Anarch.PNG


Pronouns He/Him
Clan Gargoyle
Sect Anarch
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity
Position(s) Baron of Oahu

Further Information


Eha is a towering man of Polynesian descent.


Not much is known of him before his arrival during WWII. He assisted The Movement with being able to be a sentinel of the islands that he called home. When the Sabbat crusades started in Hawaii, he was instrumental in the defense of the islands and working with others not of the movement. His rise as Baron was due to this and his no-nonsense approach to things as they arise.



OOC Information
Portrayed by Kevin M.
Portrayer's Pronouns He/Him
Portrayer's MES Number US21017100152
Region Western Region
Domain HI-005-D
VST Vacant