
From Modern Enigma Society 2020 Wiki
Revision as of 02:22, 21 September 2020 by M. Alan T. US2017100114 (talk | contribs) (capitalization)
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Tremere.PNG Independent Alliance.PNG
Pronouns He/Him
Clan House Goratrix
Sect Independent Alliance
Social Class Luminary Elder
Morality Humanity
Society Teloah de Canilu

Further Information


  • He claims he was a rogue Tremere masquerading as a Knight of the Moon for centuries, but he's actually a Knight of the Moon who's decided to infiltrate House Goratrix.

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  • "I am a being of angelic powers, here to fight the lure of evil. Also to drink, gamble, fornicate, and make a mockery of corrupt and hypocritical institutions." —Golias
  • "I wasn't sure what to think about Golias but after a train ride I found out the Elder has some neat tricks. Try not to lie around him." —Kenneth Bilge
  • Meum est propositum in taberna mori,
    ut sint vina proxima morientis ori.
    tunc cantabunt letius angelorum chori:
    "Sit Deus propitius huic potatori."
    —the Archpoet
  • Manus exposuit secreta dexteræ;
    cumque perspexeram, cæpique legere,
    in scriptum repperi fusco charactere:
    «dux ego prævius, et tu me sequere.»

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OOC Information
Player M. Alan Thomas II
Pronouns They/Them
MES # US2017100114
Domain IL-013-D
Storyteller Alex M.