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Cliath.png Silent Strider.png Ragabash.png Homid.png


Deed Name Speaker of the Past
Pronouns She/her
Tribe Silent Strider
Auspice Ragabash
Breed Homid
Rank Cliath
Sept Sept of the Broken Cage

Further Information


Nitocris grew up in the U.S. but her parents were from Egypt. They moved there a bit before she was born. Since her first time turning she has sought out the past with her wraith retainer. She plans to write a book on some of the stories told to he by spirits. In her spare time she likes to teach dance and perform or hang out with the spirits she can find to learn new stories. She stands at a whole five feet tall with long black hair and blue eyes. She is an only child and tends to keep to herself (Not counting the wriath that is her only real friend)

OOC Information
Player Brandi S. /Selest
Pronouns She/her
MES # US2021120025T
Domain LA-006-D
Storyteller N/A