Delphyne "Della" Lamb

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Delphyne "Della" Lamb
Ministry.PNG Independent Alliance.PNG


Pronouns She/Her
Clan Ministry
Sect Independent Alliance
Social Class Neonate
Morality Path of Enlightenment

Further Information

Della 2 2.jpeg

Delphyne Lamb appears to be a predatory but beatific young woman in her late 20's, with smoldering eyes and sharp features often dressed in a mixture of transgressive fashion, ostentatious white suits, and a gaudy mixture of religious and sacrilegious jewelry as if challenging others to call her out as either a zealot or a huckster. Under her jacket are several tattoos and ritual scarifications in the shape of snakes, apples, trees, and crosses, frequently accompanied by her large, ostentatiously decorated handgun in a shoulder holster. She is lean and lithe with a dramatic bearing, and despite only standing 5'10 her presence looms. She smells like gaudy celebrity perfume, myrrh, peat, tobacco, incense and the coppery tang of blood.


(work in progress)

  • 1981: Born at the Lamb Family compound in the mountains of West Virginia as “Delmont Lamb."
  • 2006: Begins studying under her sire
  • 2008: Fully inducted into a typhonic cult, becomes a ghoul, begins transitioning
  • December 21st, 2012: Embraced at age 31 following an “end of the world” service. Several of her followers die in the ritual and are “raised from the dead” by her (as zombies) to the amazement of the congregation.
  • 2022: moves to Connecticut

(work in progress) Delphyne “Della” Lamb is a zealous Typhonist necromancer posing as an exvangelical faith healer and influencer. Delphyne was raised in Virginia as the scion and eldest son to a longrunning dynasty of pentecostal faith healing preachers, but despite being raised as the eldest son to run her father’s church she was found at her lowest point by a traveling Typhonist preacher and transitioned, orchestrated her father’s death, gained control of his fortune, and moved north to set herself up as a “faith healer for the new age,” freely borrowing from Christian, left hand path, and ancient religious ritual in order to convince others (by any means necessary) to break the chains of the Aeons.

OOC Information
Player Charlie K.
Pronouns She/Her
MES # US2022060019
Domain CT-001-D
Storyteller Wolfgang Fuller (Dst acting Vst)

Other PCs: Danika Astor , Amanita Zantosa