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{{Masquerade PC
{{Masquerade PC
|name=Valkyrie Venture; Formerly Mara St James; Originally Vigdur, Valkyrie of Wayfaring
|name=Vigdur, Valkyrie of Wayfaring
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|socialclass=Master Elder
|socialclass=Master Elder
|position=Magi of Teloah
|pcgroup1type=Secret Society
|desc=BLAH. BLAH. BLAH. INFORMATION. I should fill this out eventually. Stuff and things. Shiny Things. I'm a Shiny thing.
|pcgroup2=The Garden
|timeline=*- Embraced by James Fairweather  
|pcgroup2type=Social Club
* - Did some shield maiden shit
* - Took care of the baby Lamia, Teuta
|desc=For those that want to watch through Vigdur's life.  
* - Took care of my baby Ventrue, Diana
* - Some Indiana Jones Shit
|timeline=800 - Timeline for Vigdur, the Valkyrie of Wayfaring.  
* - Did some Pirate shit with Gabriella
* - Some Warehouse 13 Teloah Shit
800 - Teloah was founded by James Fairweather. Sire’s oldest Childe died.
* - Valkyrie Manufacturing - Totally not war profiteering
* - Chatted cultural linguistics with Tolkien, nice guy
888 - Born into an Ancient Norse Tribe in Langrvik.
* - Met Swatta. Fucked some shit up. Big leagues style.  
* - Women's Rights. Feminist Shit. Angry Riot Queer Shit.  
899 - Vigdur goes on her first raid as part of the Valkyrie Shield Maiden War Band.
* - Valkyrie Ventures - Hollywood wasn't ready
* -Had an affair with a sexy powerful woman named Jackie.  
900 - Met her far-future wife for the first time during a Viking Raid.  
* - Fight Flirting with El in the 80s
* - 90s were great. Those vampire movies we got going made this decade so fun. Fucking Joss though. Dick.  
901 - Married her brother’s best friend and shield brother, the King of Langrvik, Havrdar Iverson.  
* - 2000s were exhausting. Why do I have to be a responsible adult doing responsible adult things?
* - Present. Spend most of my time wishing I was still a pirate. Spending other people's money. And trying not to get my cute little ass beckoned.
904 - Gave Birth to her Eldest Daughter, Thyra.  
|bio=BLAH. BLAH. BLAH. INFORMATION. I should fill this part out too eventually. Stuff and things. Shiny Things. I'm a Shiny thing. I've done Shiny stuff. Heh. Joss. Shiny.
910 - Gave Birth to her Eldest Son, Ake.
|player=Madeline Beeho
911 - Gave Birth to her Youngest Son, Einar
915 - Offered Hospitality to James Fairweather for first time.
916 - Gave Birth to her Youngest Daughter, Iona during the Yule celebration.
917 - Husband & 4 children murdered. Taken as a captive bride by Erlend Gunnarson.  
918 - Ripped out Erlend’s throat with her teeth. Died. Embraced by James Fairweather.
920 - Met Hari for the first time. Flirts with danger.
922 - Met Jahangir Al-Tanin of Teloah for the first time.
1020 - Released from her Accounting.
1035 - Pythia Joined the Teloah. Pythia and Vigdur met for the first time.
1111 - Reunited with her future wife for the first time since her Embrace. Travels with her clan members.
1212 - Vigdur marries her sublime and matchless kindred wife.
1391 - Anarch Revolt secretly splits her loyalties from those of her sire.
1444 - The Great Betrayal. V’s World Collapses when she loses her wife.
1444 - 1446 Goes slaughter-happy encouraged by Hari after her wife’s death.
1446 - V meets Teuta and begins raising her as a Daughter, protecting her at all costs.
1528 - Teuta introduces the injured Vigdur to Diana.
1530 - Vigdur embraces Diana, making her an official Childe. Teuta goes off on her own.
1590 - Teuta returns to Kindred society officially.
1600 - V goes to Ireland looking for Teuta. Finds Silent Eye.
1616 - V meets Bob for the first time. The two become pen pals.
1650 - Teuta embraces Fiadh. Does not tell Vigdur. 
1705 - Joined Pythia in England. They lived together during this time.
1748 - Silent Eye Introduces V to Gabriella.
1750 - V takes up Piracy with Gabriella. Returns often with Gifts for Pythia.
1800 - Leaves Piracy and remains with Pythia.  
1849 - Follows Pythia to France.  
1849 - 1860 V paid Myst to smuggle her in Irish Whiskey and Penny Bloods from the United Kingdom.  
1860 - Began going by Mara St. James. Traveled the world. Brought back presents for Pythia.
1865 - Founded Valkyrie Manufacturing in America. Teuta embraces El and doesn't tell Vigdur.
1870 - Began going by Mara St. James the Second.
1911 - Faked death on the Titanic. (Couldn’t resist a big ship).  
1912 - Resurfaced as Mara St James the Third.
1915 - Began arms dealing for the first World War.  
1939 - Began arms dealing for the second World War.  
1940 - Bought the Women's Baseball team: The Valkyries.  
1945 - Changed company name to Valkyrie Ventures, produced films.  
1949 - Met Swatta for the first time. Employed the Hitter.  
1951 - 1997 Carried on a relationship with the [now] Prince Mal.
1997 - 2000  Depression. Convinced another lover has died.
2000 - Helped Diana drive Sabbat out of Great Falls. Her baby took Praxis. <3
2004 - Find Mal alive. Phobia forced upon her to keep her away.  
2006 - V recovers from Phobia. Stays away.  
2012 - Began going by Valkyrie Venture for the first time.  
2013 - Met Valdur for the first time. Began partnership shortly after.  
2017 - Frey is born.  
2018 - Met Stephen Cox. The two carried on a temporary fling. Met the awesome Jojo.  
2019 - Met and Began Dating James Laveau.  
2021 - Disappeared. Presumed Dead. Violently Torpored.
2022 - Rescued from Torpor by Zev Rothstein.
|oocvitalspic=280735722 1737485696607635 5129440209167755820 n.jpg
|player=Nicole Krueger
|region=Virtual Region
|region=Virtual Region
|domain=Example Domain, AB
|vss=Example VSS
|vss=Example VSS
|territory=Example Territory
|st=Stacey Deloria
|st=example examplton

Latest revision as of 21:03, 4 April 2023

Vigdur, Valkyrie of Wayfaring
Crusader.PNG Unaligned.PNG


Pronouns She/Her/Valkyrie
Clan Crusader
Sect Unaligned
Social Class Master Elder
Morality Humanity
Secret society Teloah
Social club The Garden

Further Information


For those that want to watch through Vigdur's life. https://youtu.be/kZasnvmVotQ


800 - Timeline for Vigdur, the Valkyrie of Wayfaring.

800 - Teloah was founded by James Fairweather. Sire’s oldest Childe died.

888 - Born into an Ancient Norse Tribe in Langrvik.

899 - Vigdur goes on her first raid as part of the Valkyrie Shield Maiden War Band.

900 - Met her far-future wife for the first time during a Viking Raid.

901 - Married her brother’s best friend and shield brother, the King of Langrvik, Havrdar Iverson.

904 - Gave Birth to her Eldest Daughter, Thyra.

910 - Gave Birth to her Eldest Son, Ake.

911 - Gave Birth to her Youngest Son, Einar

915 - Offered Hospitality to James Fairweather for first time.

916 - Gave Birth to her Youngest Daughter, Iona during the Yule celebration.

917 - Husband & 4 children murdered. Taken as a captive bride by Erlend Gunnarson.

918 - Ripped out Erlend’s throat with her teeth. Died. Embraced by James Fairweather.

920 - Met Hari for the first time. Flirts with danger.

922 - Met Jahangir Al-Tanin of Teloah for the first time.

1020 - Released from her Accounting.

1035 - Pythia Joined the Teloah. Pythia and Vigdur met for the first time.

1111 - Reunited with her future wife for the first time since her Embrace. Travels with her clan members.

1212 - Vigdur marries her sublime and matchless kindred wife.

1391 - Anarch Revolt secretly splits her loyalties from those of her sire.

1444 - The Great Betrayal. V’s World Collapses when she loses her wife.

1444 - 1446 Goes slaughter-happy encouraged by Hari after her wife’s death.

1446 - V meets Teuta and begins raising her as a Daughter, protecting her at all costs.

1528 - Teuta introduces the injured Vigdur to Diana.

1530 - Vigdur embraces Diana, making her an official Childe. Teuta goes off on her own.

1590 - Teuta returns to Kindred society officially.

1600 - V goes to Ireland looking for Teuta. Finds Silent Eye.

1616 - V meets Bob for the first time. The two become pen pals.

1650 - Teuta embraces Fiadh. Does not tell Vigdur.

1705 - Joined Pythia in England. They lived together during this time.

1748 - Silent Eye Introduces V to Gabriella.

1750 - V takes up Piracy with Gabriella. Returns often with Gifts for Pythia.

1800 - Leaves Piracy and remains with Pythia.

1849 - Follows Pythia to France.

1849 - 1860 V paid Myst to smuggle her in Irish Whiskey and Penny Bloods from the United Kingdom.

1860 - Began going by Mara St. James. Traveled the world. Brought back presents for Pythia.

1865 - Founded Valkyrie Manufacturing in America. Teuta embraces El and doesn't tell Vigdur.

1870 - Began going by Mara St. James the Second.

1911 - Faked death on the Titanic. (Couldn’t resist a big ship).

1912 - Resurfaced as Mara St James the Third.

1915 - Began arms dealing for the first World War.

1939 - Began arms dealing for the second World War.

1940 - Bought the Women's Baseball team: The Valkyries.

1945 - Changed company name to Valkyrie Ventures, produced films.

1949 - Met Swatta for the first time. Employed the Hitter.

1951 - 1997 Carried on a relationship with the [now] Prince Mal.

1997 - 2000 Depression. Convinced another lover has died.

2000 - Helped Diana drive Sabbat out of Great Falls. Her baby took Praxis. <3

2004 - Find Mal alive. Phobia forced upon her to keep her away.

2006 - V recovers from Phobia. Stays away.

2012 - Began going by Valkyrie Venture for the first time.

2013 - Met Valdur for the first time. Began partnership shortly after.

2017 - Frey is born.

2018 - Met Stephen Cox. The two carried on a temporary fling. Met the awesome Jojo.

2019 - Met and Began Dating James Laveau.

2021 - Disappeared. Presumed Dead. Violently Torpored.

2022 - Rescued from Torpor by Zev Rothstein.


  • People say she has many powerful paramours. But weirdly doesn't seem to USE any of them. Just odd.
  • I hear she rolls hot, dark and heavy with former sabbat and lots of path Kindred. Taste for danger, Am I right?

Edit Rumors: Add your own!


  • "V? Love her. I'd pay a ton of money to see her stab a bitch. That would be super hot." - Fiadh
  • "Ah, yes, the Unaligned Ventrue Crusader. What an interesting study in broken stereotypes - she is an elder, yet she eschews social order. She is a Ventrue, yet she rejects the greatest single achievement of her clan in the form of the Camarilla. She is a Crusader, yet she claims that she avoids divisive topics in order to deflect any possible conflict. Even still, I enjoyed our discourse, and I look forward to speaking with her again. Perhaps then I might glean more understanding of exactly who she is supposed to be." - Czsare Dragos

Edit Quotes: Add your own!

OOC Information
280735722 1737485696607635 5129440209167755820 n.jpg
Player Nicole Krueger
Pronouns Crow
MES # US2020110016
Domain CA-053-D
Storyteller Stacey Deloria