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|sept=Example Sept
|sept=Sept of Rivers Crossing
|faction=Gaian Alliance
|faction=Gaian Alliance
|pcgroup1=Tactical Warfare
|desc=Vasily “Silver Tongue” Albinus is a cunning, ruthless, but smooth-talking Silver Fang of a Clan Crescent Moon lineage. As a member of one of the oldest and most respected families in a tribe full of old and respected families, Vasily was trained from birth for the role he was expected to play in both human and Garou society. Born in the family estate on the outskirts of Budapest at the outset of the Great Depression, he underwent his First Change while fighting the Nazis as part of the resistance movement. The horrors of his childhood and those he’s seen during the decades of war against the Wyrm have taken their toll and Vasily has suffered the throes of Harano more than a few times.
|desc=An albino Hungarian man who appears to be in his early 50s. Always neatly dressed in expensive suits, usually black with a silver tie, and often wearing red sunglasses. He retains a slight Hungarian accent but speaks English very well and is usually friendly and warm.
|timeline=* August, 1930 – Born in Budapest to a Garou/kinfolk couple, the youngest of five children, Vasily is the grandson of the Silver Fang hero Boris “The White Terror” Albinus. Unlike his siblings, he inherits the albinism that runs in the family and has given it its surname.
|timeline=* August, 1930 – Born in Budapest to a Garou/kinfolk couple, the youngest of five children, Vasily is the grandson of the Silver Fang hero Boris “The White Terror” Albinus. Unlike his siblings, he inherits the albinism that runs in the family and has given it its surname.
* 1944 – Vasily undergoes his First Change after a pitched battle against the German occupiers on Halloween night.  
* 1944 – Vasily undergoes his First Change after a pitched battle against the German occupiers on Halloween night.  
* 1945 – Vasily’s parents and an older brother are killed in an air raid, leaving his older brother Stefan as head of the family. After giving him what remains of his inheritance, Stefan encourages Vasily to go to America and establish a foundation the family can rebuild from.  
* 1945 – Vasily’s parents and an older brother are killed in an air raid, leaving his older brother Stefan as head of the family. After giving him what remains of his inheritance, Stefan encourages Vasily to go to America and establish a foundation the family can rebuild from.  
* 1945 to 1970 – Vasily emigrates to New York City, using his family money to invest in growing businesses and is soon able to bring over members of his family who want to come as well as send resources back home. He joins a local pack and helps the sept fight politically and financially as well as physically.  
* 1945 to 1970 – Vasily emigrates to New York City, using his family money to invest in growing businesses and is soon able to bring over members of his family who want to come as well as send resources back home. He joins a local pack and helps the sept fight politically and financially as well as physically. In 1956, he marries a young American Kinfolk woman named Elizabeth after they fall in love. They have a daughter in 1960 who the Baptism By Fire Rite determines will be a Garou and then a son in 1965 who remains a Kinfolk.  
* 1970 – Vasily is part of a small group of Garou who move to Central New Jersey in order to battle Pentex expansion.  
* 1970 – Vasily is part of a small group of Garou who move to Central New Jersey in order to battle Pentex expansion. They found a new, small Sept with two other local packs.
* 1999 – He joins the newly-formed Sept of River’s Crossing with his pack.
*  1975 – He guides his daughter, Alexis, through her First Change and begins training her in the traditions and responsibilities of the Silver Fangs.
* 2003 – Gathers intelligence for the battle against “Born of Slaughter” and the BSD Hive and fights effectively in the subsequent counter-attack.
*  1985 – While much of the Sept is battling a Black Spiral stronghold, a small pack led by a BSD known as “Born of Slaughter” strikes at the Bawn, killing the Warder and several of the Garou left behind to guard the caen. The pack then mercilessly slaughters all the Kinfolk they can find, including Vasily’s wife Elizabeth and their son. Vasily falls deep into the throes of Harano for months until Alexis and others are able to finally bring him out of it at that year’s Slap Dance Moot.
* 2012 - As his Athro rank challenge, he is assigned a combination of Behind Enemy Lines and Hostage Situation. He infiltrates a Black Spiral hive near Trenton and frees a captured Garou while also learning details of their attack plan against the Caern.
*  1986 - 1990 – The Sept battles the minions of Pentex and the Black Spiral Hive and their numbers diminish year by year. During a final push, Alexis and Vasily battle “Born of Slaughter” after tracking his movements, but the vicious fallen Garou mortally wounds Alexis and nearly succeeds in killing Vasily before he is able to escape. He races desperately to bring her back to the Caern for healing, but she dies in his arms before he can make it back. The Sept is now nearly deserted and Vasily retreats into his empty mansion and falls into Harano again, nearly losing the will to live.
*  1991 – 1996 - Learning of the corruption of House Austere Howl, this awful news ironically serves to ignite Vasily’s sense of duty and he rouses himself. He travels to Eastern Europe to help with the cleansing of his fallen tribemates in the region. After dealing with the few fallen Fangs in Hungary, he travels to Eastonia to help coordinate efforts there. He meets a Get of Fenris Hero whose son, [[Aleksey "Aleks" Volkov]], has just been born and they partner on several missions. Watching Aleksey grow, he is reminded of his own son and comes to despise the Get Hero for his harsh treatment of the boy.
*  1997 – Vasily is called back to Hungary to attend the funeral of his older brother Stefan. While there, he is pressured to marry a Kinfolk girl named Eszter from House Gleaming Eye in order to seal an alliance, despite her being only 17 at the time. Still grieving his first wife, he is kind but distant with her. During the wedding, he is introduced to Sabine “Silver Swift” LaCroix for the first time and he makes a good impression.
* 1998 – Vasily travels back to New Jersey with his new wife at the encouragement of (NAME), who tells him that a new Sept is being formed and that his experience is needed.
1999 – He joins the newly-formed Sept of River’s Crossing with the new pack he names “Tactical Warfare.” He takes up the role of Fool for the Sept.
* 2003 – Vasily gathers intelligence for the final battle against “Born of Slaughter” and his BSD Hive and has the satisfaction of seeing him die in battle.
*  2005 - By this time, Eszter and he have grown to love each other and are true partners. Their first son, Anton, is born.
* 2010 - Vasily’s Athro challenge occurs during a period of assaults on the caern. He is assigned a combination of Behind Enemy Lines and Hostage Situation as a challenge, infiltrating the Black Spiral hive near Trenton and freeing a captured visiting Fianna named Adrianna while also learning details of their attack plan against the Caern.
*  2011 - The Gnostic Plague emboldens many of the Wyrm’s armies, and the forces of Trenton and Princeton are no exception. Many of the Sept are killed in relentless assaults, and while the forces of the Wyld stand strong, the Caern stone goes dark, and the Sept is never quite the same afterwards.
*  2012 - The Night The Weaver Sang. Yet more kinfolk and Garou are lost, succumbing to the siren song of the Weaver. The forces of the Static Weaver seize the majority of Princeton from the forces of the Wyrm, with the area around Magadon remaining Wyrm-aligned. Later, Vasily travels to attend the formation of the Sanctum of Gaia, reacquainting himself with Queen Sabine LaCroix. Now being high ranked in Clan Crescent Moon, Vasily finds Sabine more interested in his opinions and assessment of how the war is progressing in America.
*  2013 – A new Caern shard is delivered to Rivers Crossing and the Sept gets a new chance at life as Garou and Fera join and new packs form.
*  2019 – Vasily and Eszter travel back to Hungary to visit family and they stop in Eastonia on their way home at the request of his old Get of Fenris allies. Vasily meets [[Aleksey "Aleks" Volkov]] once again, now having received the Bite and earned the Rank of Fostern. They become friends and Vasily sends his wife and son home but stays several months to offer guidance and strategy as the Get of Fenris in the area go to war against their own tribe. Before returning home, he is summoned to attend the formation of the new Gaian Alliance by Queen LaCroix, which he sees as a more positive and practical construct than the Sanctum.
|bio=Vasily “Silver Tongue” Albinus is a cunning, ruthless, but smooth-talking Silver Fang of a Clan Crescent Moon lineage. As a member of one of the oldest and most respected families in a tribe full of old and respected families, Vasily was trained from birth for the role he was expected to play in both human and Garou society. Born in the family estate on the outskirts of Budapest at the outset of the Great Depression, he underwent his First Change while fighting the Nazis as part of the resistance movement. The horrors of his childhood and those he’s seen during the decades of war against the Wyrm have taken their toll and Vasily has suffered the throes of Harano more than a few times.
|oocvitalspic=31944892 10214674852078945 3729646005235220480 n.jpg
|oocvitalspic=31944892 10214674852078945 3729646005235220480 n.jpg
|player=Brian McKinley
|player=Brian McKinley

Latest revision as of 12:12, 17 January 2024

Vasily Albinus

Athro.png Silver Fang.png Ragabash.png Homid.png

Breathtaking oil painting Slav.jpeg

Deed Name Silver Tongue
Pronouns He/Him
Tribe Silver Fang
Camp Clan Crescent Moon
Auspice Ragabash
Breed Homid
Rank Athro
Sept Sept of Rivers Crossing
Faction Gaian Alliance
Pack Tactical Warfare
Position(s) Fool

Further Information


An albino Hungarian man who appears to be in his early 50s. Always neatly dressed in expensive suits, usually black with a silver tie, and often wearing red sunglasses. He retains a slight Hungarian accent but speaks English very well and is usually friendly and warm.

  • August, 1930 – Born in Budapest to a Garou/kinfolk couple, the youngest of five children, Vasily is the grandson of the Silver Fang hero Boris “The White Terror” Albinus. Unlike his siblings, he inherits the albinism that runs in the family and has given it its surname.
  • 1944 – Vasily undergoes his First Change after a pitched battle against the German occupiers on Halloween night.
  • 1945 – Vasily’s parents and an older brother are killed in an air raid, leaving his older brother Stefan as head of the family. After giving him what remains of his inheritance, Stefan encourages Vasily to go to America and establish a foundation the family can rebuild from.
  • 1945 to 1970 – Vasily emigrates to New York City, using his family money to invest in growing businesses and is soon able to bring over members of his family who want to come as well as send resources back home. He joins a local pack and helps the sept fight politically and financially as well as physically. In 1956, he marries a young American Kinfolk woman named Elizabeth after they fall in love. They have a daughter in 1960 who the Baptism By Fire Rite determines will be a Garou and then a son in 1965 who remains a Kinfolk.
  • 1970 – Vasily is part of a small group of Garou who move to Central New Jersey in order to battle Pentex expansion. They found a new, small Sept with two other local packs.
  • 1975 – He guides his daughter, Alexis, through her First Change and begins training her in the traditions and responsibilities of the Silver Fangs.
  • 1985 – While much of the Sept is battling a Black Spiral stronghold, a small pack led by a BSD known as “Born of Slaughter” strikes at the Bawn, killing the Warder and several of the Garou left behind to guard the caen. The pack then mercilessly slaughters all the Kinfolk they can find, including Vasily’s wife Elizabeth and their son. Vasily falls deep into the throes of Harano for months until Alexis and others are able to finally bring him out of it at that year’s Slap Dance Moot.
  • 1986 - 1990 – The Sept battles the minions of Pentex and the Black Spiral Hive and their numbers diminish year by year. During a final push, Alexis and Vasily battle “Born of Slaughter” after tracking his movements, but the vicious fallen Garou mortally wounds Alexis and nearly succeeds in killing Vasily before he is able to escape. He races desperately to bring her back to the Caern for healing, but she dies in his arms before he can make it back. The Sept is now nearly deserted and Vasily retreats into his empty mansion and falls into Harano again, nearly losing the will to live.
  • 1991 – 1996 - Learning of the corruption of House Austere Howl, this awful news ironically serves to ignite Vasily’s sense of duty and he rouses himself. He travels to Eastern Europe to help with the cleansing of his fallen tribemates in the region. After dealing with the few fallen Fangs in Hungary, he travels to Eastonia to help coordinate efforts there. He meets a Get of Fenris Hero whose son, Aleksey "Aleks" Volkov, has just been born and they partner on several missions. Watching Aleksey grow, he is reminded of his own son and comes to despise the Get Hero for his harsh treatment of the boy.
  • 1997 – Vasily is called back to Hungary to attend the funeral of his older brother Stefan. While there, he is pressured to marry a Kinfolk girl named Eszter from House Gleaming Eye in order to seal an alliance, despite her being only 17 at the time. Still grieving his first wife, he is kind but distant with her. During the wedding, he is introduced to Sabine “Silver Swift” LaCroix for the first time and he makes a good impression.
  • 1998 – Vasily travels back to New Jersey with his new wife at the encouragement of (NAME), who tells him that a new Sept is being formed and that his experience is needed.
  • 1999 – He joins the newly-formed Sept of River’s Crossing with the new pack he names “Tactical Warfare.” He takes up the role of Fool for the Sept.
  • 2003 – Vasily gathers intelligence for the final battle against “Born of Slaughter” and his BSD Hive and has the satisfaction of seeing him die in battle.
  • 2005 - By this time, Eszter and he have grown to love each other and are true partners. Their first son, Anton, is born.
  • 2010 - Vasily’s Athro challenge occurs during a period of assaults on the caern. He is assigned a combination of Behind Enemy Lines and Hostage Situation as a challenge, infiltrating the Black Spiral hive near Trenton and freeing a captured visiting Fianna named Adrianna while also learning details of their attack plan against the Caern.
  • 2011 - The Gnostic Plague emboldens many of the Wyrm’s armies, and the forces of Trenton and Princeton are no exception. Many of the Sept are killed in relentless assaults, and while the forces of the Wyld stand strong, the Caern stone goes dark, and the Sept is never quite the same afterwards.
  • 2012 - The Night The Weaver Sang. Yet more kinfolk and Garou are lost, succumbing to the siren song of the Weaver. The forces of the Static Weaver seize the majority of Princeton from the forces of the Wyrm, with the area around Magadon remaining Wyrm-aligned. Later, Vasily travels to attend the formation of the Sanctum of Gaia, reacquainting himself with Queen Sabine LaCroix. Now being high ranked in Clan Crescent Moon, Vasily finds Sabine more interested in his opinions and assessment of how the war is progressing in America.
  • 2013 – A new Caern shard is delivered to Rivers Crossing and the Sept gets a new chance at life as Garou and Fera join and new packs form.
  • 2019 – Vasily and Eszter travel back to Hungary to visit family and they stop in Eastonia on their way home at the request of his old Get of Fenris allies. Vasily meets Aleksey "Aleks" Volkov once again, now having received the Bite and earned the Rank of Fostern. They become friends and Vasily sends his wife and son home but stays several months to offer guidance and strategy as the Get of Fenris in the area go to war against their own tribe. Before returning home, he is summoned to attend the formation of the new Gaian Alliance by Queen LaCroix, which he sees as a more positive and practical construct than the Sanctum.

Vasily “Silver Tongue” Albinus is a cunning, ruthless, but smooth-talking Silver Fang of a Clan Crescent Moon lineage. As a member of one of the oldest and most respected families in a tribe full of old and respected families, Vasily was trained from birth for the role he was expected to play in both human and Garou society. Born in the family estate on the outskirts of Budapest at the outset of the Great Depression, he underwent his First Change while fighting the Nazis as part of the resistance movement. The horrors of his childhood and those he’s seen during the decades of war against the Wyrm have taken their toll and Vasily has suffered the throes of Harano more than a few times.

OOC Information
31944892 10214674852078945 3729646005235220480 n.jpg
Player Brian McKinley
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2005096425
Domain NJ-007-D
Storyteller In Election