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Latest revision as of 18:16, 20 August 2020

Skyler 'Cionadh' McKinley
Caitiff.PNG Anarch.PNG
Clan Caitiff
Sect Anarch
Sect Faction Revolutionaries
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity

Further Information



  • Friendly on the surface.
  • Snarky and sharp as glass.
  • They are extremely confident and smug.
  • They greatly enjoy creating chaos between others, particularly friends, and love watching the situation play out.
  • They also make it very clear they are there for the money and chaos.

Where they excels:

  • They are great at infiltration of kindred and especially mortal organizations and holdings
  • They are great at spreading chaos and deceit
  • They are excellent at making mortals fall in line through direct application (vs. influence)


  • Double Trouble from She-Ra

The stories I'm telling:

  • "Change is always chaotic and entropy breaks apart stasis to allow for the renewal of things."
  • "Rome never lasted. The British empire will falter too. The Americans.. the same. As it will also be with the Camarilla and their Ivory Tower. Nothing can ever stay the same forever unchanging .. it becomes brittle and the right blows at its structure will cause fractures and faults.. that the elements and time itself will creep into and slowly break it down. What seems like one large shakeup is always set upon the foundations of many small events and motions... often too small for most to perceive and find the connections between. Even the natural disasters and wars... revolutions... they all either find purchase in those foundational faults or they arise because of them."
  • Chaos, mischief, destabilization, discord, and strife - Is it a story about breaking down institutions, promoting change and entropy, or throwing the dice then great
  • Conversely is it a problem that needs solved that in the long term will position pieces or debt in a way to maximize Sky’s goals. Solving problems is a form of change, if it is the right problems and the right solutions after all.

Music Video: https://youtu.be/ulfeM8JGq7s

  • Born in 1817 near Glasgow Scotland in a coal mining village that doesn’t exist any longer.
  • Embraced 1841 in New York by a Sabbat Tzimisce after immigrating from Scotland a year earlier in search of a better life in the land of milk and honey.
  • Released from accounting immediately (if you could call what the Sabbat did accounting).
  • 1914 - In Southern Europe before WWI on business
  • 1918 - Ran afoul with the Sabbat Inquisition in Madrid during the Pandemic
  • 1922 - Joined the Anarchs
  • 1929 - Spent some critical time in NYC
  • 1930-2004 - Traveled all over fomenting chaos and problems for people
  • 2005 - Moved to the NorCal Free State in San Jose
  • 2010-Current - Weathered the Second Inquisition surprisingly well when so many tragically died

Skylar is as dedicated as any crusader ever was but not for retaking some piece of land for some King or Pope. They are dedicated to the collapse of vampiric and mortal society even if they have to grind the mortar out of the bricks holding up the edifice by hand.

They came from a poor family in a small coal mining village near Glasgow during the darkest days of the Industrial Revolution. This did nothing good towards their love for mankind or the instruments of power and Empire.

They believe they are both cleverer and superior than other Kindred which leads to acts of hubris, disdain, and the occasional monologuing despite knowing better. The pieces and personas they take on for most of their activities are disposable and fluid enough that they sometimes forget how fragile they really are. They also sometimes let their hatred of the vampiric social constructs blind them to the longer term planning needed to be more effective.


“The temples of empires come tumbling down, the names of the mighty forgotten. Here is a parable: power never lasts.”

Edit Quotes: Add your own!

OOC Information
Player BJ McManus
MES # US2002021985
Domain Example Domain, AB
Storyteller Kyle Morgan