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Revision as of 20:51, 5 July 2022



Deed Name Last Light of Dawn
Pronouns all
Fera Ajaba
Auspice Midnight
Breed Metis (Ajaba)
Rank Athro
Sept Sept of the Lonely Mountain
Faction Gaian Alliance

Further Information


Remi is a 6'4" 250lb giant of a person. Their skin is a lovely dark ebony, and their hair is typically kept in a large, textured afro. Aware that he has an intimidating stature, Remi attempts to seem more friendly by wearing shirts that read things like "Free Hugs" and "Let's Cuddle", usually in pinks and purples, but he will wear any color of the rainbow.
Her appearance changes often, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in large ways. It's hard to tell which face is the real Remi and which faces are fake, but for the most part they keep their appearance androgenous.
Her eyes are a lovely, rich chocolate with hints of gold here and there. He speaks with a proper French accent, but from time to time, you can catch him slip into a creole french accent instead.


Remi Timeline

  • Birth
    • Midnight, January 17, 2000 - Remi emerges from their mother at a small Ahadi Caern in Senegal
    • 6am, January 17th, 2000 - Chidi emerges from their mother
  • First Change
    • 2008 - Details tbd
  • Rite of Passage
    • 2009 - Remi and Chidi pass their Rite of Passage together and pack up
  • Gnostic Plague
    • 2012 - The Gnostic Plague Strikes their home Caern, which quickly falls. The twins are Fostern by this time.
    • Remi and Chidi retreat to the large Bone Gnawer Caerns around Cairo
  • The Dark Brigade
    • The Dark Brigade Strikes in late 2012, and despite Remi and Chidi's best efforts, the Caern they are at falls to the forces of the Wyrm
    • At the request of the Bone Gnawers, Remi and Chidi board a plane to Louisiana to help assist the Bone Gnawers in defending their Great Tribal Caern.
  • Tensions Grow
    • 2015 - Remi and Chidi hot on the trail of a Black Spiral Dancer they had seen too close to the Caern
    • Found the Black Spiral dead with a silver blade in its back. Nearby, a near-unconscious Bone Gnawer kinfolk.
    • Remi uses one of their Talens to heal the kinfolk. Both twins consume the body of the fallen BSD before safely returning the kinfolk to her tribe
    • The twins are placed on trial for eating the body of the BSD, as well as several human remains they had eaten a few weeks prior, but are promptly acquitted, as they were following the Chattam, not the Garou Litany.
  • Challenge for Athro
    • 2020 to Current - Chidi has suffered grievous battle scars over the last decade and are now severely disabled.
    • Remi receives a challenge to take Chidi into the Umbra to allow them to have their final fight against a Bane of Blacktooth's Court.
    • Chidi dies, as does the bane
    • Remi fulfils the duty asked of them by the Chattam and returns to the material plane, packless.

Remi is the sweetest, kindest person you will ever meet. Despite their intimidating stature, they are the sort of person that would never hurt a fly.
He is generally soft-spoken, maybe not the brightest bulb in the box, but is incredibly compassionate and loving.
His priorities in life are pack, kin, and caern.


"Remi is Wyrm Tainted, she doesn't break Circles she steps into, but I've seen her sleep overnight in a Circle and in the morning she still reeks of Wyrm."
Edit Rumors: Add your own!

OOC Information
Player Brandi Roland
Pronouns she/they, but any are awesome!
MES # 2022020011
Domain VA-028-D
Storyteller Erin Smith