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Crisiant Sayers ap Dougal
Sidhe.PNGSeelie Court.PNGHouse Dougal.PNG

Crisiant Portrait.png

Mortal Name Who's asking?
Pronouns He / Him
Kith Sidhe
Court Seelie Court
Seeming Errant
Title Knight
House House Dougal

Further Information

Skynet logo.jpeg

At a first (quick) look, Crisiant is kind of plain: white male, average height, with an age that's likely somewhere in his...thirties? It's hard to pin down. Odder details seem to crop up the longer one looks: he has long dark-brown-to-red hair (usually tied back into a single ponytail to keep it out of his face), and a build (and hands) that suggest he does physical labor most days, despite a general air about him that just seems to exude "nerd." Further oddities: Crisiant is actually very attractive in the way that Sidhe often are, but he's not about to grace the cover of a fashion mag. Rather, he's more along the line of "hard-working boy next door" combined with eyes that are just a bit too green, and seem to shift hue randomly. Though his hands are calloused and well-worn, his face bears none of the nicks and scars common to other smiths and farriers.
Crisiant walks with a severe limp, and makes up for it with an ever-changing array of canes. The story of the limp changes each time, and he always delivers it with a smile and wink.


֎ Crisiant is born: 1982
֎ Crisiant enters Chrysalis: 2015
֎ Crisiant joins House Dougal: 2015
֎ Crisiant becomes Errant and is Knighted: 2018.
֎ Crisiant is handfasted to (then) Queen Kiara of the Shadow Court: 2019
֎ Crisiant leaves Los Angeles and moves back to Seattle: 2020
֎ Crisiant moves to Harmony Island: 2021


Crisiant is a modern-minded Sidhe looking to drag the Seelie into the 21st (and maybe 22nd) century, on their ears if needs be. He's a crafter first and foremost, and specializes in vehicles and robotics, but also makes weapons and armor on the side. He's pretty firmly in the Decopunk / Cyberpunk aesthetic, but will mix it up if the client prefers. Crisiant currently resides in the Pacific North West of the United States, but frequently travels for work and pleasure. He tends to follow technology shows, engineering lectures, high-tech product reveals, and especially custom auto shows.


֎ "Paper Boats" by Darren Korb and Ashley Barrett
֎ "Minnie the Moocher" by Cab Calloway
֎ "Forecast" by Darren Korb
֎ "Chambermaid Swing" by Parov Stelar
֎ "Wicked Game" by Hula Hi-Fi
֎ "Tangled Up" by Caro Emerald
֎ "Heightmap" by Darren Korb
֎ "Midnight" by The Swingrowers
֎ "Fixed Income" by DJ Shadow

Ties Sought

If you're interested in ties, please use the link here!
As far as the kind of ties I'm looking for, here are some ideas:
֎ Clients & customers
֎ Other House Dougal PCs
֎ Other futuristically minded PCs
֎ Fellow Kithain Scientists (mad or otherwise)
֎ Pretty much anything else other than mean-spirited antagonism!


֎ Crisiant is a member of the Golden Sickle.
֎ He has a deep loathing for anachronistic Kithain, especially his fellow Sidhe.
֎ Crisiant's Seeming has...slipped...somehow, and he has to be careful when in public.
֎ Crisiant is a Sidhe formed via the Changeling Way, which makes him...less-than...in the eyes of some of his Kith.
֎ Crisiant was Handfasted to Kiara, Shadow Court Queen of Pacifica, for a year and a day. No one is quite sure why he asked, and they DEFINITELY aren't sure why she said "yes." They are still on great terms, though no longer bound by any Oath.
֎ Crisiant is aiming to become the foremost Chimera-crafter in the world. This shouldn't be hard, as it doesn't seem too many folks know how to 'forge' Chimera.
֎ Crisiant wishes he were a Nocker.
֎ Crisiant earned his nickname by designing an AI with a taste for murder.
֎ Crisiant is slowly coming to grips with the fact that he sees a lot more intelligent approach in the Unseelie Code than the Seelie Code. If most of the Unseelie he’s met weren’t such bastards, he would be seriously thinking about joining.
֎ Crisiant acquired The Creator's Forge from Dinim Jones’ estate auction. Jones was a prominent Nocker who had worked with (but not been a member of) House Dougal, and Crisiant was sent to secure the forge after Jones' death. He's had it ever since.

Edit Rumors: Add your own!


֎ "Leave the sparkly ponies and flying pirate ships at home folks. We're traveling with horsepower, steel, and dreams tonight." ~ Crisiant
֎"Your quote here!"
Edit Quotes: Add your own!

OOC Information
Roxanne car.jpeg
Player Greg B
Pronouns He / Him
MES # US2002022091
Domain WA-001-D
Storyteller Ryan DeBerry