User:John P. US2002022727
John Pruitt us200202272
Domain: SE-VIR-D
Direct Co-ord: Deb Pelletier-Clark
Her Email:
Masquerade VSS: Gallery Noir (National Virtual VSS)
VST: Courtney Rindone
Her Email:
Changeling VSS: Harmony Island (National Virtual VSS)
VST and Email: Coming Soon!!
"No regrets, but I probably shouldn't have done that." - Pruitt Credo
"I'm not intelligent. I'm stupid, but I'm aware of the fact and am aware of what makes people stupid and avoid these things to the best of my ability."
"If people played this game (Vampire) the way some of them treat each other OoC, this game would be awesome."
"Never be afraid to play Second Bananas; it can be fun."
"Death to false metal. Death to false Orange and Blue."