Magni Erikson

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Magni Eriksson
“We humans fear the beast within the wolf, because we do not understand the beast within ourselves.” -Gerald Hausman

Information Known by the Kindred

Name:Magni Erikson

Status:Aside from the tolerance of the local prince, Magni holds no status in kindred society.

Notable Traits: Magni towers over his fellow kindred, standing at over 6 and a half feet tall with a flaming red beard. He tends to dress rather simply in inexpensive work clothes that help him better blend in with the kine. When in public, he often wears sunglasses to conceal his pale, yellow canine-like eyes.

From the waist up, he's veritably covered in old tattoos depicting dragons and other mythical beasts interspersed with bind runes and Norse filigree.

Magni Bottom.jpg

Lies, Conjecture and a Grain of Truth


  • "It's well known that Magni used to be an elder of the Camarilla. However, what's NOT known is that former Justicar Xavier used prestation to force him to leave the Tower with him."
  • "It's said that Magni played an instrumental role in ending the Brujah/Gangrel clan war in St. Louis, back in the 90's. Of course, the same sources say he helped START the war."
  • "They say the old wolf can take the form of a Lupine. Some even say he may have been a lupine himself before the embrace.."
  • "Magni keeps a haven outside of Camarilla controlled St. Louis that serves as a neutral meeting ground between Gangrel of opposing sects. It's well known that no one violates that neutrality for fear of incurring the elder's wrath.."
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Character Influences

  • Commander Worf (STTNG/DS9)
  • Eric Northman (True Blood)
  • Uncle Iroh (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

OOC Information

Player: Rich Smith

Player Email:

Discord: Brujah1234#8645

Storyteller: David Singleton

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