Jules Allard

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Jules Allard
Ministry.PNG Anarch.PNG
Clan Ministry
Sect Anarch
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity

Further Information


Appearance: Lean, tan complexion with dark hair. Personal Masquerade. He has various tattoos that seem to change randomly, not permanent, probably all temporary.


Embraced: 1910


Worked on a French crew digging among the Valley of Kings in Egypt when he was embraced. Had a hard time coming to grips with the embrace and spent much time over the last decades in torpor on and off. Turned to drugs and alcohol as a means to cope and keep beast at bay. Jules left the Independent Alliance and their sire to join the Anarch Movement to snub his creator.

OOC Information
Player Leah Tapper
MES # US2011017273
Domain PA-020-D
Storyteller Kevin Tapper