Louis Vaillancourt

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Louis Vaillancourt
Banu Haqim.PNG Camarilla.PNG


Pronouns They/them/he/him
Clan Banu Haqim Vizier
Sect Camarilla
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity
Position(s) Sheriff of Las Vegas

Further Information


Standing at 5'9" with a solid build, Louis has dark hair and violet eyes. Always well dressed and well groomed.


Birth year: 1500
Embrace year: 1533
Year left Accounting: 1560
Joined the Camarilla : 1999
Visited and helped out in Dead Wood in 2001 and 2011
Watched over their grandsire Isidora "Israa" Khaled: 2012-2023
Moved to Vegas: 2023


Louis is extremely confident socially especially with their peers within the Tower. They always make sure they put their best foot forward when in these situations and will be charming most times. Often known as the favorite to their grand-sire Isidora "Israa" Khaled due to always making sure to make her proud.


Runs and operates a private security firm/PMC.
Fought Hunters and the Sabbat in Dead Wood out of the kindness of their heart.

May look cute and cuddly but actually is a bad ass.
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“One of the few I know who actually follows through with their word and is a breath of fresh air.” Alwyn Rhodes
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OOC Information
Player Matt Rockhold
Pronouns They/them
MES # US2002106759
Domain GL-VIR-D
Storyteller Courtney Ridone