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Revision as of 18:55, 14 July 2024 by Victoria A. US2024070011 (talk | contribs) (Goose)
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Ministry.PNG Unaligned.PNG
Pronouns Goose/Goose/Goose's
Clan Ministry
Sect Unaligned
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity
Position(s) CEO of Café Cataria (self-owned)

Further Information


Goose is all business, when Goose isn’t high. Unfortunately, Goose was high for an awful long time. But getting locked in a crate and thrown into an ocean is one way to sober a vampire up. The other way is to accuse the vampire of heresy. Anyway, Goose is on the prowl now. Goose has aspirations. Goose has dreams. And best of all, Goose has never told a lie.

  • 1919: When Goose met Stacy
  • 1920: Married Stacy
  • 1930s: Ran a series of speakeasies in the South-west
  • 1949: Divorced Stacy
  • 1950s-1970s: Took a bunch of experimental drugs. Kind of a blur.
  • 1970s-1990: Got really addicted to Pachinko
  • 1995-1997: Converted to Catholicism
    • 1996: Wrote ¼ of the code for Google Search
  • 1998: Realized Catholicism isn’t a great look for Goose, actually
  • 1999: Got into the business of cannabis in the Pacific Northwest and California
  • 2004: Joined Anarchs because Vampires are kinda possessive over drug markets
  • 2010: Reunited with Stacy through Anarchs, rekindled relationship
  • 2017: Married Stacy (again)
  • 2023: Threw banger Anarch rave, may have also pissed off some people in the process
  • May 2024: Stacy throws Goose into the Pacific Ocean
  • July 2024: Goose washes up in the Boston Harbor


  • Goose is called Goose because Goose can turn into a Goose
  • Goose has investors lining up to get in on the ground floor of a Vampire-Weed-Cat-Cafe. Hotbox the cats, feed on their blood. It’s genius.

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OOC Information
Player Vicky A.
Pronouns they/she
MES # US2024070011
Domain MA-003-D
Storyteller Joel C.