Uncle Longtooth

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Uncle Longtooth

Elder.png Uktena.png Ahroun.png Homid.png

Character Name Julius Lueken
Pronouns He/him
Tribe Uktena
Auspice Ahroun
Breed Homid
Rank Elder
Faction Gaian Alliance
Concordat of Stars

Further Information


A balding portly man with cinnamon and sugar hair and beard, in comfortable cargo pants


Basic Timeline

Birth : 1973 to an unconventional Silver Fang Kinfolk family.

Grows up on a farm, attends school, graduates.

2/19/1985 Present as a child when the Uktena officially offered aid to the Ajaba, inviting them into their homes and Septs. (5 points of Canon Events for Elder App)

1993: First change. A bit late, but nothing out of the ordinary. Is well aware of the potential as his family still keeps the old ways. Other Silver Fang lineages somewhat scandalized by his choice of Uktena. He feels his family’s immigrant experience more highlights the diasporaic themes of the Uktena.

1999. Joins the Sept as a Fostern. Is a founding member.

2003: Is defeated by Born to Slaughter, a Black Spiral Dancer during the Sept’s battle against them, and is unable to aid the sept due to being incapacitated and healing. Is assigned as Sept Guardian while healing and fights bravely while wounded during the counterstroke, but is defeated a second time. Redoubles efforts to improve.

2005 Successfully challenges for Adren. The challenge involved defeating several banes alongside his pack. He did so using the Blessings of Falcon granted by his Silver Fang blood.

3/29/2005 Worked with other tribes and shifters to hold back powerful and ancient banes that awoke in the Kalahari Desert Ajaba, Bastet, Red Talons, Silent Striders, Uktena (5 points of Canon Events included in Elder App)

2007: Learns of an honorable Shadow Lord warrior, a cousin of his who is in possession of a family heirloom, a powerful fetish that both Garou could lay claim to. Challenges them for possession of it and wins. The cousin still has not forgotten or forgiven this and they have dueled, again honorably, several more times for possession of the Fetish.

11/5/2011 Present when the first Great Caern failed, falling to what would later be called the Gnostic Plagues No restrictions

06/25/2012 Personally attended the press release where Josef Konietzko and Roger Daly announced the creation of the Concordat of Stars No restrictions

2012: The Night the Weaver sang. Loses several Kinfolk including his wife and adult children. This is devastating and he descends into deep Harano before being brought out of it by members of the sept. Renews his dedication to the sept and sets out with the creation of a new found family.

3/25/2013 Attended the Decennial Uktena Moot where they discuss Tribe matters, where Timothy "Unveils the True Form" Smith was chosen to officially lead the tribe, replacing the former Tribal Councilor who chose to return to Bane Tending in her old age.

2013: Is part of the Delegation to obtain a Caern seed. A Lagosian cousin, Kin of the Ajaba helps to make the connection with the Glasswalkers.

2017: Remarries a Gurahl kinfolk woman widowed by the war. Their shared pain brings them together. Becomes a second father to her children from her first marriage.

2018: Successfully challenges for Athro, successfully luring Weaver forces into conflict with Wyrm forces, and causing significant casualties for both sides.

2020: Welcomes a grandchild who the rites identify as a shifter.

2023: Challenges for Elder, successfully, at the cost of (most) of his vision. While he can see, he only retains partial vision in one eye and has complete vision loss in the other. Is assigned a new deed name. Damage seems resistant to healing, as the loss was part of a bargain made with a powerful spirit in order to obtain the wisdom needed to overcome the trial.

You previously stood as champion of a kinfolk in an official challenge, whether before they were adopted and challenging someone who did not respect those of a lower station, or after when Kinfolk were able to make their own challenges but rarely fought in them. Now you are known as a Champion of kinfolk rights


Uncle Longtooth is a middle aged Garou that has fought the good fight for three decades. Instead of becoming embittered, he goes out of his way to be kind and supportive to others while still standing on his principles. He runs a self defense school in his limited spare time. He’s also Gurahl Kinfolk on his mother’s side.

He’s from Sayreville NJ and grew up on some of the last preserved farmland in the area, leaving him with an appreciation of that lifestyle while still giving him strong suburban connections. His family were refugees from the chaos in Russia in the 1900’s and although they were Silver Fang Kin, they lost everything and had to start over again in America, any pretensions of Nobility ground out of them by their lessened circumstances.


The eye that he lost has been replaced with some kind of Fetish of unknown origin or provenance.
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OOC Information
Player Errol Logan
Pronouns He/him
MES # us2014070123
Domain NJ-007-D
Storyteller In Election