Izzy Mac Alistair

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Izzy"Pop" Mac Alistair
Choir of Eris.PNG Anarch.PNG
Pronouns He/Him
Clan Choir of Eris
Sect Anarch
Social Class Ancilla
Morality Humanity
Territory Atlanta, GA

Further Information


Six foot tall and barrel chested Izzy is usually seen with Red/Pink and Orange hair. He is usually very brightly dressed and made up and adorned with lots of jewelry.


August 28th 1837 - Izlyander “Izzy” Mac Alistair was born to a up and coming affluent family in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The family business is officially exports but it is actually mostly protection rackets, gambling houses, and saloons with stages.

1840-1850 - Izzy is trained in the family business and how a young lord conducts himself. During this time the Mac Alistair family took full advantage of the Industrial Revolution in Northern Ireland, “legitimizing” their businesses, and made a killing by both supporting price hikes and unionization.

1864 - Sectarian riots break out in Belfast. The Mac Alistair family starts to fear the unrest and begins planning to flee to America.

January 14th 1865 - The Mac Alistair family leaves their home to board a ship to America with a sizable portion of their fortune at 3AM. 3:45 Ravenna Corleone and a complement of temporary ghouls descend upon the Mac Alistair family. The only surviving member is Izzy who accompanies his new mistress to America.

1865-1940 - Ravenna Corleone, Izzy, and the complement of ghouls take passage to America only to find it engorged in a new Industrial Revolution. They land on the east coast and quickly fled west to the more unpolluted parts of the country. Izzy learns the ways of The Night and helps Ravenna to understand a new Age. Through close tutelage from his sire he learns enough of the political machinations of vampires to feel comfortable branching out on his own.

1940-1945 - Izzy gets involved in the war effort, at first helping find homes for refugees then becoming more involved in the rescue process. He meets Fiadh on a rescue mission when he boards her boat and they sail into Uboat infested waters to rescue a batch of refugees. They become fast friends and carry out several such rescue runs, Fi drops a lot of grenades overboard in the hopes of weakening the Uboat defensive line.

1990 - Ravenna Corleone enters torpor and leaves Izzy left to his own devices. He seeks to find his place in the Anarch Movement but becomes disenfranchised because of all the bickering.

1995 - Izzy gets his hands on the first FREEP Publication. He becomes enraptured with the Anarch Movement all over again. Finally gets initiated as an official member of The Anarch Movement after years of vetting.

1997 - Izzy meets Brighid d'Caleti in a bar in which Izzy was performing. After a night of carousing Brighid says if Izzy ever needs help to come to Atlanta and look her up.

2002 - Izzy joins the Anarch Railroad helping to provide contacts, wheel and deal to secure safehouses or safe passage.

2005 - Izzy moves to Miami to build his own empire/family and try his hand at his true passion, entertainment.

2007 - Izzy charms/dupes/bribes Teddy Rosenthall from quitting his day job as IT Service Technician to become Izzy’s full time manager/bodyguard.

2007-2015 - Izzy and Teddy make an impressive amount of money and fame for themselves. With the expansion of social media Teddy makes sure that Izzy has a social media presence and Izzy is more than happy to perform for his audience, no matter where they are.

2008 - Izzy travels to New Orleans to be a part of the celebration of the Choir of Eris coming together and adds his voice to the cacophony of elation.

September 23rd 2015 - Izzy sets up a karaoke battle against a Fae, unwittingly. He fully assures several influential business partners that he is sure to win and they hedge a lot of money in underground circuits. After a surprising loss Izzy receives just enough notice to pack a light bag and get out with Teddy, before the business partners try to come to collect.

December 25th 2015 - After making the arrangements to have his coffin shipped to Atlanta Izzy enters Torpor. He takes extra time and changes locations to try to ensure he isn’t tracked.

January 14th 2022 - Izzy awakes in a storage unit not far from Hartsfield/Jackson Airport to Teddy’s smiling face. Izzy immediately sends Teddy to try to rekindle IzzyPop’s online presence and find out where they are.

February 12th 2022 - Izzy finally realizes he is in Atlanta and reaches out to Brighid.


Izzy is so hot right now!
Izzy was seen getting into a SWAT Van...
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"The world is a stage, darling, so why not dazzle the audience?" - IzzyPop
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OOC Information
Player Michael O'Neal
Pronouns He/Him
MES # US2022010023
Domain Example Domain, AB
Storyteller Saleem Halabi (interim)