Summer one tales: Scar and others

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Setting: After event. Alex brings in a large square unique looking table to sit at with a laptop and starts to work. After a time he looks up. "It is ready." Businesstable.jpg Music begins with the intro to "Highway to Hell."

The music fades as images rise up from the table. Alex steps forward with a smile with a remote in hand. "Good evening all. I'm Alex Knight, Cliath of the Glasswalkers, Galliard. Duty of auspice calls for the sharing of information and actions of individuals to be noted among the Nation."

The End of the World

Alex points the remote as an urban landscape of decay end of the world scene of a city being reclaimed by nature rises up.

"Welcome to our first destination in the umbra. A land of reflection of post end of the world life after humanity. It is here we began our journey to seek out the Totem of Cockroach. The group began to search the area those with wolf senses tracking while the two ratkin of Missy and Nekage start to poke among the garbage. Eventually the searching turns up a cockroach quickly skittering across the street to an abandon shop diving into a hole next to blue prints for a mechanical bird. Suddenly we find the floor boards dissolving as cockroaches emerge of various sizes from tiny to the size of a Volkswagen car. The group gives quick explanation for why we are here while Alex snatches up the blue prints for the mechanical bird. We are met with hundreds of voices telling us "They are not here, try going out the back way." Considering we find ourselves with no other option, we move for the back way.

The Warehouse

"We find ourselves emerging into a bleak environment of a city streets piled with trash. Behind us now stands a massive warehouse instead of the storefront. Above us grey sky and light drizzle of acid rain falls. A shadow sweeps over from above as a massive manta ray like spirit soars over with one word etched upon it's fins. "Work."

The doorway opens into a bleak grey city street. Overcasts skies move sluggishly and are entirely the wrong color, and there’s a light drizzle of acid rain falling down onto streets piled with trash. The door you came through is shut now. Behind you is a warehouse, massive on its own, but still pales to some of the massive buildings in the skyline around you. A shadow casts down as a massive manta ray like spirit flies overhead, it’s wings? Fins? Both bear the one word mantra: “Work”. A searchlight casts down as the spirit scans the city. Seeing what it wants, its flight path twitches into a dive and it swoops down. You hear the screaming, but it is quickly silenced as the spirit rises up again. It’s heading this way, best to get inside before it finds you. The door you came through opens into the warehouse now instead of the storefront you came from. You come onto a wide concrete ledge stacked with crates, overlooking a sunken manufacturing floor. Below you are rows of conveyor belts, work stations, and desks. You can’t make out exactly what they’re doing, but when one near to you moves you can see that he’s literally chained to his station. Nobody is looking up at you, or up from their stations for that matter. There are no supervisors here. You should be able to make your way through and out the other side without getting seen. 08dd6c26622b8746be7afa5a341c49d7.jpg Lilly


Alex gestures for Ayalan to join Seam's side with a smile then nods to Croass. "Ayalan and Croass were our security team of keeping an eye both on the ground and sky to ensure we were not at risk during the scouting."




"Here we watched mortals eat horrible food to excess and waste. We'll need to fix this place in order to settle the spirits in the area. What we managed to understand from the scouting and discussion/observation of spirits is the following.

Follow up Suggestions for the Sept to enact

"We are going to have to address this carefully by making some changes perhaps to the menu to be a bit more health conscience in the form of organic ingredients and meat perhaps. Influence used to take a look at who is actually running the business to see how wyrm influenced they are?" Alex looks around to see if anyone has questions. "This concludes the tale. Thank you for joining us."