Petunia Pothall

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Petunia "Petal" Pothall
Caitiff.PNG Unaligned.PNG


Pronouns she/her
Clan Caitiff
Sect Unaligned
Social Class Neonate
Morality Humanity

Further Information


A quick-witted, tech-savvy Caitiff lookin' for ties and the one who created her!


Before the Bite 1980-2001

  • Petunia is born in Newark, NJ to a nice boring couple, their second daughter and child. Her father is a computer analyst, her mother a small parts mechanic. Her sister is perfect to everyone and sells diet teas on Instagram and is a beauty vlogger on YouTube.
  • She lives in New Jersey most of her life and hates, ecstatic to go to a school all the way out in Seattle just to get away from home.
  • During her Junior year while double-majoring in History and Psychology, she studies abroad in Europe to bolster her History degree.
  • In Germany she is embraced by her Sire, and discarded upon turning out a Caitiff.

-Petunia is born in Newark, NJ to a nice boring couple, their second daughter and child. Her father is a computer analyst, her mother a small parts mechanic. Her sister is perfect to everyone and sells diet teas on Instagram and is a beauty vlogger on YouTube.

Night School 2001-2006

  • She figures out what she can for herself, taking night classes under a fake identity sh created for herself: Petal Lycoris
  • Petal Lycoris starts working as an IT security consultant. She utilizes her natural inclinations toward Technomancy to secure her position as a coveted independent contractor.
  • 2006 She takes a night class on Ancient History taught by a very mysterious professor whom she suspects of being Kindred. Her suspicions are correct and she befriends the Tzimisce known as Maria.
  • She remains in Germany under the protection of Maria, who turns out to have a blood cult worshiping her as an addition to the Greek Pantheon of Gods. Maria helps train her in better self-defense and combat, as she too is Unaligned.
  • Maria takes a liking to her in a maternal sort of way, keeping her safe from the worst of the Pogroms the Tower carry out against Caitiff.
  • 2015 She manages to get secure travel back to the states from Germany through help with the Anarch Railroad.
  • Maria promises to send her a protector later once Petunia is settled and safe.

All Aboard the Metaphorical Train 2015-2018

  • Petunia stays in hiding, earning havens of safety through kind Anarchs or other Unaligned Kindred in exchange for help with bolstered security and safe means of using tech.
  • When the Sabbat are being cleared out more and more, she feels a bit safer, especially as Caitiff earn more and more allies among the Independent Alliance and Anarchs.
  • In 2015 she settles briefly out in the wilderness, focusing on her studies.

Tech Support, Baby! 2018-Present

  • 2018 She moves to Montana, living far in the outskirts mostly, teaching painting classes in the evening and assisting with computer help for older people.
  • 2020 She moves out toward Great Falls, setting her home out near the Walmart Supercenter on 10th Avenue. She lets Maria known she's settled in, and Maria says she'll get to work on sending Petal a fantastic guard dragon.
  • 2021 Petal makes herself known to the local Anarchs.

Petunia was a young woman with her whole life ahead of her! Growing up in a small crappy house in Newark, NJ, she was ecstatic to go study abroad for her second major in History. It was an excuse to let loose and go wild in Germany for a bit where she may or may not have fallen in with a group ...interesting individuals who were VERY into the worship of Dionysus. Somewhere amidst the drinks and revelry she woke up to find herself Embraced...but her sire wasn't pleased with the outcome. A 'disappointment' were the words used, ones she'd heard from parental figures before regarding just...everything about here.

Well screw that. A Caitiff she was made and a Caitiff she'll always be, but she's gonna be the best damned Kindred she can, and anyone who thinks otherwise can suck an egg.


"Hello, IT, have you tried turning it on and off again?" -Petal
Edit Quotes: Add your own!

OOC Information
Player Charlie H.
Pronouns He/him, they/them
MES # US2019090062
Domain MT-001-D
Storyteller Josh Wendt