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Eveleigha "Evie" Dowed


Evie Dowed.jpeg

Pronouns She/Her
Tribe Fianna

Further Information


In this corner... Evie Dowed standing 5 feet 4 inches and weighing in at 145 pounds.

Like any of the Dowed family, she is no joke. She's athletically built, most often dressed in jeans and a t- shirt. Her Fianna heritage features pale skin, a few freckles and thick dark auburn hair. Having recently opened an art studio, she's often covered in flecks or splashes of paint and clay.

Unless otherwise stated, she is friendly, welcoming and kind. That said, when her mood shifts, it changes fast.

She keeps a book bag with her almost all the time. Nothing fancy, but reliable. She keeps her medications, sketch books, and personal items in it.

Around her left wrist is a medical id bracelet- It reports that she has Type One Diabetes and Epilepsy.

She is very tattooed. A few low key pieces peek out from her sleeves and ankles. Her back is covered in a large piece. A large and well detailed set of Irish knotwork shawls from her lower back to between her shoulder blades. The tattoo is in perfect condition except for a thick burn scar, the size of a fist over her right kidney. She has two bullet wound scars on her mid back.


2020- Returns to New Orleans to help her family there as often as she can.

2019- Shot at her father’s bar in South Boston.

2018 Rian and Evie divorced. This is still a big stress between Evie and her Family.

Out of depression, and a need to prove her worth to the family, Evie works an undercover gig. It went bad. She was missing for 6 days. Was found mostly dead by family. Spent upwards of a year recovering.

2017 - Rian and Evie’s relationship is loud, and a problem. The two often fight with each other. Evie cheats on him.

2016 - Evie leaves her education at Boston University to help her mother with a project. She has one year of classes left to finish a BFA.

2014- Rian Noella and Evie Dowed get Married. The high school sweethearts are profoundly in love. Both families are ecstatic at the arrangement. The two buy a small house. While moving the Caren Seed, Evie is shot. She nearly bleeds to death. The 18 year old Kinfolk/Newly Wed isn’t ever really the same. She starts to take out her fears and worries on Rian.

2013- Graduates Highschool

2010- Rian Noella moves to Boston from Irerland. The two kids fall in love with each other quickly. They date all through high school.

2008- Terminated from Pee Wee Hockey for fighting

2001- Evie’s oldest brother shifts for the first time. This happens in front of her. She has her first seizure.

1995- Evie Dowed is born to parents Connor Dowed and Libby Walsh. She is the youngest of 5 children. The rest being boys. Libby Walsh isn’t often home. She “travels for work.”


  • Rumor has it if she gets horribly injured or ill, packages of random food and drink stuff arrives for her. Instructions on how to prepare and make them as well.

  • Evie had her Family Heritage Tattoos removed because she plans on leaving the Fianna.

  • Evie is a hit man who will absolutely kill someone. Na, she's too dumb to do that.

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  • "There are very few people in this world that I know I can count on like I can Evie. When I find myself alone and bleeding I know she will be there to help me. In return I will always be there for her when she needs me. Woe be to any who hurt my cousin." - Logan Walsh

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OOC Information
Player Miranda Chadbourne
Pronouns She/Her
MES # US2005086214
Domain MA-005-D
Storyteller Erin Smith