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Screenshot 2024-04-23 190420.png

Deed Name Sidesteps into Trouble
Pronouns She/Her
Tribe Stargazer
Auspice Theurge
Breed Lupus
Rank Fostern
Sept Sept of the Shimmering Waters
Pack The Equalizers

Further Information

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Ann, in her human form, is on the smaller side. She stands at 5ft 2in and has a very disarming face. Ann is always found reading, sitting outside, or quietly listening to those who argue around her. She arguably has wisdom beyond her years and knowledge that she doesn't know where it came from. Despite her issues and destructive past, Ann is happy-go-lucky, has a very optimistic outlook on life, and tries to see the best things in this apocalypse.

  • Prior to April 2023 -
    • Ann has a very vague recollection of what happened before escaping from the driads of MIT. She talked about vampires and the experiments they had done. She would rather not talk about the time that she was captured. She has glimpses of that past and it rattles her to her core
  • August 2023 -
    • Gets a pull to go to Yellowstone, Ends up taking a car ride and helping out the spirits in Yellowstone. Passes Right of Passage becomes Cliath, Deeded Sidesteps into Trouble.
  • September 2023 -
    • Hears another call to Maine. Helps in restoring balance and witnesses the birth of a new Caern.
  • February 2024 -
    • Challenges for Rank.
  • April 2024-
    • Passes Rank Challenge. Goes to investigate why the eclipse is not going away. Finds out the reason, and refuses to talk about why it is happening.


- "It wasn't so long ago that Ann was just a cub, and yet she's come so far. I am so very proud of her." Mina "Mugwort" Yi

- "Ann? She's quiet... Too quiet. Just silently judging everyone. That aside she's one of the best." Blacktail
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OOC Information
Player Natalie Vaughan
Pronouns They/Them
MES # US2022060016
Domain MA-003-D
Storyteller Vance Walsh